You can Lead a Scrub to Water, but you can't make 'em Think

Highly enlightening. I feel somewhat good about myself now know that I am not a scrub in theory, only in application. Thanks for this thread.!

from his commentating, he came across as a guy who doesn’t get angry…

in the fourth paragraph when i was reading it i got abit confused.

was seth saying you are a scrub if you watch videos to pick up new things like a combo or help with something like a matchup or what ?
sorry for the stupid question o_O

He’s saying don’t just mindlessly copy people, don’t act like you can play like top players if you’ve never been near a tourny, and don’t be ungrateful for the amazing info we have thanks to youtube.

ah ok thanks

This article reminds me of how some folks tend to watch videos on Unity.

Lol harsh intro

now I know why everyone is always salty at Final Round. They read this! lol