Yoshimitsu Tech Thread

Hmm, apparently I am on some sort of drugs concerning the flea being unthrowable.

Could have sworn I read that in the guide (it isn’t) and tested it on my friends king during a match. But king has deceptively shitty range on his grabs more often than not. But if you tested it then you’re right.

This was brought up in another thread but it falls under the title of tech, and I by no means take credit for discovering this. Yoshimitsu has a target combo that wasn’t on his movelist, (while jumping forward) b.lk > mk in the air, it’s a nice little target combo and looks good with a close s.mp at the end, but what are the applications for this kind of tech. Air to air, the mk doesn’t connect on a 9ft German, I thought I would try it on the biggest char, but no joy on that one.

Some ideas would be nice, I love trying out all the random moves for my characters, I love using the flea stance for Yoshi and I love you using Voldo’s backstroke combo in SCV, that’s a big part of why I love fighting games.

I’ve been using that against my brother’s Kuma since launch, but I agree it’s great and it hasn’t let me down yet. Anything to keep away from those goddamn claws with their deceptive reach. I don’t have much experience of it applied to many other characters though. Also vs Kuma I like to space his jump-ins with the tip of st.mk xx backwards teleport to reset my zoning.

I’m glad you posted this here! Just wanted to bring up that I was playing around with this yesterday and made a pretty awesome discovery with it.

If you hit the b+LK on the top of the opponents head, it will cause them to block in front (since j.LK isn’t a cross up as far as I know), but if you target into the j.MK, that hit will end up being a cross up. Very very very tricky stuff if someone could get some consistancy on this.

I’m having a lot of difficulty doing this consistently (I have probably above average execution, but certainly no pro). I was able to do this on Kazuya and Hugo.

With Kazuya I had the most difficulty hitting the j.b+LK at the right spot. Half the time the j.MK animation would start but wouldn’t come out.

With Hugo, I had more difficulty timing where the cross up occurs. Hitting the target combo was pretty easy, but getting the j.b+LK to land on top of his head so that the j.MK came out as a cross up was difficult.

I’m pretty worried j.b+LK is very easy to anti air in a game where anti airing is pretty bad across the board… so we’ll find out the true use of this TC.

All in all, very neat stuff. I think someone mentioned they thought Yoshimitsu was incomplete and this kind of stuff leads me to almost believe that that is true… unlisted target combos and I saw a video where he did his ‘recovery stance’ and I cannot figure out how to do it.

that’s interesting,

Can I get a link to this video?

Posted by someone else in the video section:


Go to 2:26.

Just read the comments, looks like it my be back + all 3 kicks? I dunno, I’ll have to try that out later.

lol that’s just his taunt

Why are we not abusing runaway teleport?

Also, putting people in blockstun with windmill, Tag cancel, and then mix up heaven is hilarious. You just gotta watch out for alpha counters. Fun thing you can do if you know what characters you’re fighting is do this expecting them to alpha counter, and then punish with the 2nd character for max damage.

To whoever discovered that target combo: good stuff.

Definitely, I did the j.mk as a cross-up after the j.b.lk too, was a total accident and it’s quite strict when you try to recreate it. Could have application with the right set-up though.

Speak for yourself!

Agreed, been using this a lot.

This air target combo has a lot of potential, props to whoever discovered it.
After a point blank sweep you’re at the perfect spot to hit the back lk in front and the mk as a crossup (only tested on kazuya and ryu)

Because you can’t mix up until the windmill is over. You have to time your overheads/lows so they still aren’t in blockstun from the windmill, otherwise auto block poops all over your would be mixup. Sucks, I was hoping to open people up during the windmill for an easy hitconfirm.

Edit: On their wake up (Normally after your shoryu combo), backdash -> Windmill is a safer option since it covers all versions of their wake up. Meaty Poison breath can be shutdown by forward roll, while backdash windmill will catch forward rollers.

But that doesn’t invalidate AnnelFrank’s point: you can still apply a mix-up to somebody in Windmill blockstun, you just use the variable endpoint of blockstun as part of the mix-up plan. If I tag Marduk in while I’m Windmilling, I can either wait until Windmill ends then go for a grab, setup a longer tick using more blockstun from Marduk, etc.

I’m aware of the autoblock lol I always time it for when it’s over, no free unblockables and all that.

Been looking at Pandora setups for my team, Yoshi/Marduk.

Marduk: j.fk (ground bounce), Pandora; Yoshi: super (damage 466)
Marduk: EX Wall Throw Thingy (wall bounce), Pandora; Yoshi: super
^^ having trouble recreating since yesterday, could be character/position-specific

Yoshi: Flea Sliding Headbutt, Pandora; Marduk: super (damage 457)
^^ can be done with Flea jump or Flea low counterhit opener** (damage 446)**

Unfortunately, Yoshi’s A2A j.fk isn’t viable as it’s techable, and Yoshi’s cl.mp gives Marduk the frames but not the range.

Yoshi: j.fp, st.mk xx Windmill xx tag cancel; Marduk: j.hp, j.hk, Pandora; Yoshi: super (damage 625)

I think Pandora looks really usable if Yoshi can be brought in with a super. Haven’t tried it in a match yet, will see how it goes. Windmill tag cancels set up really easy wall/ground bounces to suicide and leave Yoshi with Pandora.

Edit: haha, Pandora gives Yoshi enough meter regeneration to do the Poison Breath infinite, but doesn’t look like it has much use with the scaling and run-down time of Pandora.

Edit 2: forgot to mention about roundhouse and EX Poison Breath being setups for Pandora too.

Sorry if someone already posted this and I just missed it, but you can switch cancel off of a Suicide anywhere on screen, it doesn’t have to hit your opponent since it hits you. This causes your partner to run right up to the enemy, which allows some hilarious surprise command grabs for Hugo/Kuma/Gief/Marduk/etc.

I noticed the mk missing a lot as well, but on counter-hit lk I think it will connect in air to air situations.In some cases it could be followed up pretty well afterwards on the ground. Someone just needs to test if jumping lk can be used as a decent stuffing tool in the air.
Random note, anytime you are at point blank range and short tele backwards you are in perfect windmill reach, sooo good for wake up reversal lovers :smiley:

I’m having a good time canceling cl/cr. mp into a slightly charged windmill. It catches them off guard and nets you a counter hit

I do that too.

Wasn’t sure exactly where to put this so I’ll put it here. Pretty obvious stuff but whatever.

Off of windmill confirms into switch cancels, if your incoming character has a combo that keeps the opponent standing, there are certain instances where you have the option of finishing the combo with that character, or bringing yoshi back in depending on the other characters move set (that is, besides just doing a boost combo from the windmill straight back into yoshi). You can obviously switch cancel back anytime, but I’m going for the least amount of meter possible, most damage possible. The main part of the combos I’m about to show is that I’m using a special move with Hei that leaves me with tons of advantage on hit , giving an opportunity to either go into a combo into launcher to bring back yoshi for free, or finish the combo.

For example with Heihachi, I can do:

(starting with Yoshi) Jump attack> close st mp xx windmill> switch cancel> f + lp, lp xx qcf lp

From here, because the opponent is still standing, and you can link after Hei’s light demons breath with a few attacks, I can either choose to finish the combo with Heihachi, or do a short boost combo back into yoshi. Examples:

Start Yoshi, finish Yoshi:

Jump attack> close st mp xx windmill> switch cancel> f + lp, lp xx qcf lp >lk, hp, launcher > cr mp xx Gehosen

Start Yoshi, finish Heihachi:

Jump attack> close st mp xx windmill> switch cancel> f + lp, lp xx qcf lp > lk xx qcf hp

~370-420 damage for one bar for the switch cancel, with the option to end with either character. It’s possible there’s more damaging stuff with Hei to end with, and probably similar setups with SUS and Stone Fists since they also keep the opponent on the ground. I’m sure there are other characters you can find these options with.

Edit: you can jump hk with Heihachi to start his combo off the switch cancel.

Start Yoshi, End Hei

j. Hp> close st mp xx windmill> switch cancel> j. Hk> f + lp, lp xx qcf lp > lk xx qcf hp for 451 damage

Start Yoshi, end Yoshi

j. Hp> close st mp xx windmill> switch cancel> j. Hk> f + lp, lp xx qcf lp > lk, hp, launcher> mp xx Gehosen 462 damage

j. Hp> close st mp xx windmill> switch cancel> j. Hk> f + lp, lp xx qcf lp > hp, launcher> mp xx Gehosen 472 damage

J.hp > close st mp xx windmill> switch cancel> hp xx qcf lp > hp, launcher> close st mp xx Gehosen 477 damage

I stress: one bar, option to end with either character. Here’s a combo using all three bars to compare.

Combo from Hei to yoshi super:

J hk> hp xx lp or mp srk> f+lp, mp > switch cancel> yoshi super 501 damage

Two meter using ex stone fists with the same option to end with either character:

Start Yoshi, end Yoshi

J hp> close st mp xx ex stone fists> switch cancel> jump over rh> hp xx qcf lp> hp, launcher> close st mp xx Gehosen 515 damage

Between using yoshi for punishment and zoning, and Hei doing like 430 damage by himself in meterless BnB’s the team works pretty well together.

I noticed that its harder to use medium specials and immediately switch cancel for whatever reason, so using a HP windmill or SUS and a HK stone fists are easier to use for switch cancels. For SUS and stone fists, they also do the max amount of normal, non-mash hits so they should be used for switch cancels anyways.

Also I posted an ultrachenTv episode in the main Yoshi thread, check it out and see if it gives you any ideas.