Yep, Another rate My Vids Thread (Santiago, D.R.)

These fights were recorded during a ranbat celebrated by members of the team VEXcorp in Santiago, Dominican Republic.

feel free to post your suggestions and advices since we need them to improve.

Thanks in Advance.

  1. Strider (Daury) K-Ken-Cammy-R2Sagat Vs Ryu K-Ryu-Ken-R2Sagat

  2. Strider (Daury) K-Ken-Cammy-R2Sagat Vs McEnddy A-Vega-Bison-R2Blanka

  3. Ryu K-Ryu-Ken-R2SagatVs McEnddy A-Vega-Bison-R2Blanka

  4. Strider (Daury) K-Ken-Cammy-R2Sagat Vs Ryu K-Ryu-Ken-R2Sagat (SECOND MATCH)

Just finished watching the first.

To Strider:

  1. I like your Ken’s c. mk pokes, but be careful, a low jump from Ryu, or normals from a lot of characters, can punish that. You seemed to outpoke your opponent though, which is good.

  2. Good punish with Cammy on that random as Hell Shin Shoryuken. Don’t know WTF Ryu was thinking. Don’t do random ish so much with her, that random Cannon Spike out of nowhere is easily punishable. Try reading your opponent and being a little bit more patient, Cannon Spike is a good jump in punish if done early enough. Decent Cammy overall.

  3. Good JD skills, I was laughing when both Sagats kept trading c. fierces. Loved the ending. This is said a lot on these types of threads, but don’t jump so much with Sagat. He has a mean ground game and AA for a reason. Abuse them.

And remember, I’m learning as well, but that’s my $0.02.

Good luck, and I’ll review the others later.

To Strider:

Missed the 2 chances of wake up super against McEnddy which sucks, your JD skills is very sharp though keep it up.

2nd match against Ryu, don’t get jump happy when your opponent is raged, your Cammy’s siu into cannon spike is so random. So much aggression on the Sagat vs Sagat in the end with no empty jumps for a grab set up.

Okay just watched the first video.

  • Ken VS Ryu I really liked your Ken over all. No major flaws in the game play. However when you got stuck in the corner you tried to get out REALLY bad. Obviously Ryu was punishing. When in situations like this, remain patient man. Watch your opponent’s moves and try to find a flaw and use it against him

  • Cammy VS Ryu Really not to many flaws. You seemed patient when in the corner, good stuff. Just remember to punish whiffed DP’s (at the start). Interesting finish, but it worked.

  • Cammy VS Ken You Jump in FAR to much during this match. Really try to jump in only when it’s safe. You also do a couple of wake up DP’s in which I don’t really reccomend either. You have to realize where you are at in the situation, Ken has much more life then you, and the last thing you want is him to take you out with you doing minimal damage. Instead of waking up DP, try just blocking on wake up and seeing what he does before making your move. I’ll allow the wake up super as you are in K groove and you could have seen that command roll of Ken’s

  • Sagat VS Ken Very agressive match on your end. Very bold moves however, you came out on top with very little loss. One quick thing to know, when people jump in with K groove, always use with sagat to anti air. It puts you out of harms way, and it is a lot harder to just defend as they are almost always expecting a deep dragon punch. My main complaint is you whiffing those s.hp’s. Good players will hit you when you whiff those moves 90% of the time. Running S.hp is good, however you need to make sure that it’s going to hit the opponent, try to NEVER whiff those, or else your gonna get punished. Conclusion: Learn your sagat hp distance and most of all PRACTICE it.

  • Sagat VS Sagat Man, I’m not going to lie to you, I didn’t like this match one bit, I felt that it was very sloppy. First few seconds of the match: WHIFFING that s.hp (already talked about that). Next, the trading of c.hp, JD. Hmm, I’ll tell you MY mindset right after someone JD’s me, THROW. If I were you, I would have done 1 of two things, either 1 let off, or two dashed in and went for a throw mix up. Later on in the match, that missed combo to super really made that match harder for you than what it really should have been. All in all, practice that combo (among others that are important) until you can do it 10 out of 10 times. The super was not to smart either, in situations like that, just let the rage ride out. Great job on the throws, I really liked that. You knew that he wanted to JD everything you gave him, so you threw him, very nice.

2nd Video:

  • Sagat VS Vega A little jump in happy there man! You really want to stay away from jump-ins only when it’s SAFE to do so. Don’t blindly jump into things because players will constantly mix up what anti air they will do so that YOU will not be able to JD them. 2 jab dp’s come out…hmm, not liking that man. Especially with Vega there to constantly punish you almost EVERY time you do it. On a good note, kudos on stopping the CC.

  • Cammy Vs Vega Ya see what those jump ins will get you? After the CC you look like you got kinda frustrated, and thus became a little more agressive. Remember to stay patient in times like this, you don’t want to end up losing more and more, it looked like you just ended up digging your grave deeper and deeper.

  • Cammy VS Bison Random start! Never seen that move actually been used in a real match. But hey, it didn’t work to your disadvantage so whatever. Overall this was a fairly good match…you remained patient which I liked. However, there were times that you could have been slightly more agressive. Whenever Bison was in your range, instead of throwing out a, you would sit there and crouch guard. Worst thing about it is that he didn’t even have meter then! Don’t be afraid to walk up and when they’re in range. One more quick note, on 2.11, you gained momentum, granted you have no health at all. You jump back play a little mind games with him, however afterwards, you jump back…why? You had a perfect chance to start doing major damage, however instead you jumped away from him. (you do this again at 2.34) In worst case scenario, he would have hit you with a CC, which would have been in YOUR benefit so that Sagat could have killed him, leaving blanka to get 3/4th of meter back. All in all, just realize when it’s worth it to pressure, and when it’s not. In this case, it would have been in your best interest to pressure (in both situations)

  • Cammy VS Blanka I liked this match a lot, as a matter of fact I think it’s one of the best matches I’ve seen you in out of the 3 videos. You did great pressuring Blanka. The risk/reward factor was GREAT in your favor…you were gonna die soon anyways, so you pressured his ass when it was safe and dropped back when you didn’t feel you were in a position to pressure, aside from the random move at the end…Major props dude, I thought that this was a good fight.

  • Sagat VS Blanka Hmm, an unfortunate loss. Both of your game play seemed very scattered. During the match Blanka controls the pace, however, it’s up to you to change that pace by gaining some sort of breathing room between you two. Main thing, watch out for those Electricity’s…in worst case scenario, I’ve learned to block them. Btw, quick note, If i were you, I would have just unloaded a wake up super there…the meter was running low already, and not only that but Blanka was all over your corps as well.

hope I helped a bit, I’m off to bed

Thank you very much!

We are very grateful for the commentaries and contributions, they are going to serve us very much in our goal to improve in this game.

This is exactly what i was lookinf for.

Keep them coming!

my advice is when you’re knocked down in the corner vs blanka, BLOCK and look for teching out of throws. You do not want to eat electricity into CC when you’re in the corner.

you guys also seem to be quite afraid of hitting buttons and moving closer. You guys seem to spend alot of time on opposite sides of the screen trying to figure out how to get in. The poking game seems to be pretty good once you managed to get in, so I’d work on getting in.

I noticed there were a couple of times when the K-groover missed some hit confirm supers. But that not exactly easy. If i was the k-groover sagat, i’d rush blanka down and try for the guard crush (since it was getting low), and if near the end of the meter the guard still isn’t broken, just let off a cr.fp xx low super fb for more guard damage, and follow it up with a run up cr.fp. The low super fb is safe on block, so you get some extra guard damage, possibly breaking it, and landing an uppercut or something.

another thing i wanna mention is that I personally like all punish moves to knockdown. I dunno if it was a miss or something, but i noticed sometimes you guys punish with moves that causes the other player to flip out into safety. Like a missed uppercut is punished with blanka’s cr.fp instead of sweep or slide. If you had knockdown instead, you can throw in your mix up for more damage.

the last thing i wanna mention is how you guys try to bait out stuff on wake up. You guys are doing it way to early, especially the A-groove guy. You guys are jumping back way too early to bail anything out. it might probably help to whiff out some quick moves before jumping away or dashing back. One occasion vega was trying to cross up hop, but activated before Ken even got up. That brings way too much attention for the other to know which way to block. For that kind of stuff i find doing it as late as possible to be most useful. I wouldn’t do cross up activate though.

hope that helps.

oh, why don’t you guys write like that when I post my vids? am I that awful? :frowning:

btw, good matches

No, it’s probably because he made his own thread.

I’m surprised people weren’t saying “POST THIS IN THE RATE MY FKING VIDS THREAD!”

My Bad! =)

Can i get some advices from you guys (Im the A-groover) among others…beating the pressure during tournaments.

Regards from Dominican Republic.

Just finished watching the second.

To McEnddy:

  1. Good Vega. I liked the way you played him, crossups with the roll were nice. One thing I noticed though, and this goes not just for Vega, but for all your characters, is you jump WAY too much. Given that jump in crossups are a big part of him, you jump STRAIGHT into the air, which I strongly recommend against, unless you’re playing C, K, or P Groove given they have certain defenses against AA.

  2. You’re pretty good at knowing when to activate your CC. Your timing is impeccable, something I must give you props for. Right after Cammy’s jump in 1:16 and right after Blanka’s Electricity at 4:04 are two examples that you’re not antsy when it comes to holding meter. Good job.

  3. Your Bison’s kind of weak. He did that jumping straight up thing I said WAY too much. Nothing particularly weak besides that, but you should try to put much more pressure on Cammy, you let her control the fight and your movement, which is why he did minimal damage while he was in. Step up the offense on Bison, or try Sakura if you have trouble with him.

  4. Good Blanka. You played against Sagat well, keeping the pressure is key. Nice use of electrcitiy. Nothing else to say there, I currently learning K-Blanka, but I’m sure HAK or some of the other big A-Groovers can help you there.

Overall, good match.

As a Dominican, I must say, keep the scene alive.


Thank you for your commentaries Se7in. I will try to correct these mistakes which I hadnt noticed until now.

And yes!! They were parrots those that were sounding behind!

Mcenddy: ustedes deben viajar para los E.U y participar en algun torneo por aqu. Soy de puerto rico, no sabia que se jugaba cvs2 en ninguna isla. later

Bienvenido seas!

Sage, en Repblica Dominicana tenemos una gigantesca comunidad de Video Fighting, no solo de CVS2, sino de todos los juegos de pelea que puedas imaginar (CVS2, 3rd Strike, Alpha 3, Super Turbo, SC, Tekken, GGXX/, MK, SMBM, etc…) Constantemente se realizan eventos y torneos de todos estos juegos, en especial en la ciudad de Santo Domingo (Capital del pas). Inclusive este Domingo 25 de Febrero tendremos El torneo “Street Fighters Duo Fest” (Este ser celebrado en Santiago) donde se jugarn dos juegos el mismo da (SFA3 y Super Turbo)

Esta es la direccin de nuestra pgina madre que aunque parezca un poco desactualizada los foros siempre se mantienen en constante accin. La liga de Soul Calibur en Puerto Rico se mantiene en constante contacto con la nuestra. Podra pasar lo mismo con la de CVS2 ya que nos interesa a sobremanera.

Saludos desde la Repblica Dominicana!

excelente jd. k.groove es muy popular aqui.


Dont worry Hak, one day you will understand.

Sage(Nestor) eres bienvenido cuando desees a la Rep. Dominicana a jugar CvS2. Invitamos a Gandido una vez, pero simplemente desaparecio del mapa :(. Como ya Enddy te informo, es el lugar donde nos reunimos.


I haven’t dissappeared from the map.

I’m just busy with life. :slight_smile: