EDIT: Got a text file with the flowchart, and I added stuff that Septimus Prime mentioned.
Hey. I made this thread cos
- I was bored
- I didn’t wanna go to sleep just yet
- I took the time to learn some things about playing with Sean, because even though I’m not a Sean player (I play Elena, fyi), I think it’s important to try and learn a little bit about what every character can do when you play a fighting game.
So, here’s what I’ve learned. One short disclaimer: Again, I am NOT a Sean player. I don’t guaruntee this information is going to get you to the top, so don’t poop your pants if this isn’t great info. Maybe it isn’t even anything new. I don’t know. There just doesn’t seem to be any general Sean Strats thread and I thought I’d make one.
I. The normals you should use: I really think most of Sean’s normals are fucking worthless. So, here’s a list of ones I’d say are actually usable:
Close S.Strong - This is the beginning of his only target combo (S.Strong -> S.Roundhouse). If that weren’t the case, I’d throw this move out too. This just makes an occassional tough parry for your opponent when you cross under a jump attack. That’s IT.
Far S.Fierce - I don’t see anyone use this. I think this is Sean’s best mid attack. It’s his longest range poke, and it’s pretty fast. It’s also a Fierce, which means decent damage, too. If you wanna even THINK of getting close to your opponent when you’re on the ground, you might wanna incorporate this one into your repetoire.
S.Roundhouse - The far one is not bad anti-air every once in a blue moon, and SOMETIMES, the close version can be nice for a once-a-year changeup too, as it can cancel into special moves and supers. If you’re just poking, stick with S. Fierce for mids.
C. Short - This is part of Sean’s mixup game…which is atrocious, btw, but nontheless, it’s still a part of the only thing that can save Sean’s ass. It links into specials and supers, and leaves him within decent throw/kara throw range.
C. Strong - It’s kinda quick, so it can stuff things sometimes, but more importantly, it’s his best meter building attack, because it’s a fast medium attack. Mash this attack if your opponent isn’t in your face.
C. Forward - It’s his longest range low poke, and it’s his easiest and safest normal to hit-confirm with (which isn’t saying much). It’s slow as fuck, though, so don’t use it too much.
C. Fierce - Not half bad anti-air, but very easy to parry, so don’t use it too often.
C. Roundhouse - It’s a sweep. It’s a really bad sweep, but the only way to get any sort of momentum going for Sean is to knock an opponent down. Don’t use it too much, but if you need it, it’s there.
Toward/Backward J. Forward - It’s a jump in that crosses up. Use it sometimes.
J. Roundhouse - The neutral version actually beats a lot of stuff, but it’s a little slow. The Toward/Backward version is there because if you land it, you can probably combo into a super. If you’re not feeling lucky, stick with J. Forward in these cases.
UOH - I threw this in cos it is pretty important. This is the other half of Sean’s abominable mixup game, making it a key move. When you’re throwing out random moves, be sure to throw this one out every once in a while, too. It also can link into supers if timed/placed properly.
II. Special Moves - Which and When: God, DAMN, Sean’s special moves suck. But, some of them are salvagable, I guess. Here’s how I’d say you use them.
Sean Tackle - ONLY ever use the Jab version…EVER. Use it to cancel your close S. Roundhouses in the rare event that you use it, and use it moreso to cross under jumping opponents. And for christ’s sake, don’t try to fucking land the tackle! Just use it as a ghetto dash.
Prutz (Qcf+K) - WTF is the real name of this move? Anyways. Short version, VERY WELL TIMED, can stuff a surprising amount of stuff, but don’t try it very often, if at all. The Roundhouse version actually is the quickest of all of them, so if you’ve got your opponent cornered, use that one. Don’t EVER use the Forward version. The EX version is okay sometimes if you can anticipate a really slow move from your opponent, or a fireball (which is kind of like a really slow move, I guess…). All of them do the exact same damage, btw.
Sean Roll - Tell me WHY would you EVER use anything but the Jab version? Jab version is nice to cross under jumping opponents, but you have to anticipate a little. It also goes through some projectiles, but you also have to anticipate that. Not very good overall.
Slam Dunk of Gayness - Wow…so yeah. All of them do the same damage except the EX version. The Jab and Strong version go the same distance foward, as do the Fierce and EX Version. That being said, only use the Jab version and EX version, as the Strong and Fierce versions do the same damage as the jab, and are easily punishable. The EX is more important for reversals, but it does go a little more forward than the Jab version, so use it for anti-air in a pinch.
Tornade - Sweet christ, this move sucks. If you ever, ever use it, never use the Forward or Roundhouse version. Throw out the Short version SOMETIMES with the intention of landing in front of them IF you anticipate that they’ll block it (pretty situational, huh?), and use the EX version primarily, because it’s the least likely to put you at a frame disadvantage (though it still can).
III. Super Arts: This is where I talk about which one to pick.
So, which one DO you pick? Most people I know choose Shoryu-Cannon (SA2), cos it appears to have the best damage potential and EX potential of all his supers, at first glance. It does about the same damage as Hyper Tornado (SA3), except for that you can stock two (4 EX) as opposed to one (2 EX). However, I think Shoryu-Cannon might even be the worst Super Art. I prefer Hadou Burst (SA1). Here’s why I think the order of SAs goes SA1 > SA3 > SA2:
SA1 stocks three supers and 5 EX attacks. That’s not a lot more EX than SA2, but it is one more super, and it’s quicker to stock than SA2. Basically, you have more chances to land SA1 in a round than SA2, and you can do two EX attacks and still have two supers stocked. Pretty nice.
SA2 can very easily whiff when canceled from the max range of some of his attacks, particularly C. Forward, which is the most important one. SA1 and SA3 do not have this problem. Basically, you’re more likely to connect with SA1; SA2 and SA3 might be at about the same, since I think you can hit people out of the air with SA2.
Using all your SA2 supers does about the same (maybe a little less) than using all your SA1 supers. Since you’re more likely to land SA1 anyways (and you’ll probably have it stocked more often than SA2), the damage potential of SA2 doesn’t shine forth in comparison to SA1.
SA1 and SA3 are both quick, forward-moving attacks, making them better for punishing whiffed ground attacks; SA2 is simply bad at doing that.
SA3 also goes under fireballs, and SA1 can pass through normal fireballs (EX fireballs will stop SA1), adding more possibilities to punish whiffed attacks with SA1 and SA3.
Something Septimus Prime pointed out is that SA2 has hella high priority, and will beat out pretty much anything. You can probably use this to your advantage in specific fights where you know you’ll have opportunities to react with it, but it’s an isolated case.
That being said, I think SA1 has the clear advantage. SA2 and SA3 MIGHT be better in a few matches, but it probably isn’t. I don’t see any reason to not use SA1.
IV. A little strategery: Here’s a few pointers.
- Random pointer number 1: Don’t use the fucking basketball like a projectile. When I first started trying out Sean, I thought the basketball would be like, my saving grace or something. It’s certaintly funny, but it doesn’t have a lot of practical uses. Here’s the few things I use it for:
When I play Twelve and he taunts, because the Basketball is appearantly a heat-seeking basketball
All the way across the screen, if I have meter (cos otherwise, I’d be building meter), and I wanna distract my opponent to get in close (not quite as effective on opponents with projectiles). This also works if your opponent is waking up.
On opponent’s wakeup, as an extra step in my mixup game (explained more in detail later).
Random pointer number 2: Sean’s got a decent Kara-Throw. His Kara-Throws are S.Fierce and Toward S.Fierce, but Toward S.Fierce is better. This is pretty important in Sean’s mixup game, too. Now, onto more general pointers…
Random pointer number 3: Sean only has one Reversal attack that can be called anything close to respectable, and that’s the EX Slam Dunk. Do it if you must. Septimus Prime pointed out that you can be thrown out of ALL versions of the Slam Dunk, so don’t think you can just roll out on people with EX Slam Dunk Reversals all day.
Don’t take jump-ins to the face! Jump up and use J. Roundhouse to counter, use Jab Sean Tackle to cross under them, (and peg them with your target combo; don’t risk trying to tag them with SA1, cos they can still parry your attacks if they haven’t thrown out a move yet) or jump backwards and keep your distance. You can always parry, but remember that Sean doesn’t decent anti-air moves. Hold up on parrying until you have/get a lead.
Be building meter as long as you can. Unless you’re playing Q, who can totally capitalize on your turtling, stay the fuck back and mash C. Strong. Occassionally jump away with J. Roundhouse as needed, and cross under with Jab Sean Tackle when necesary. Try not to get cornered!
Most people can fish for supers with their C. Forward, or their Crouching something-or-other; you can too…kind of. Sean’s C.Forward is very hard to hit-confirm, but you can improve your reflexes with a little practice. It’s worth it to work on it, since this will punish dashes and whiffed attacks as best as Sean possibly can.
Sean’s ghetto ass mixup game is basicaly a high-low guessing game. Nothing too different from most characters, except for that it’s really hard to get a person in this situation, and Sean can’t deal with tech rolling opponents very well, making this mixup game really unstable unless you’ve got your opponent cornered. Here’s the flow chart:
…Aaaaand that’s pretty much what I got. If I didn’t mention something, I probly thought it was stupid and useless, and probably too dangerous to try (which is funny, cos damn near everything I posted was dangerous). Anyways, I hope my knowledge wins you one round, or something. Rock on. I’m totally done with Sean.