Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm, IndieGoGo campaign thread


Beastly chada guy’s twitter from the netplay casuals in hiya’s room today.

Also French Yata stream started

Bon appetit

Nene’s playstyle sounds like it has the most potential for creating original gameplay and allowing players to come up with cool stuff. I generally like Aja style big poking characters, but the well in my mind has been poisoned by mitsuru over the last year.

RIP in peace Johnno.

The choices the devs made for the English commentators seemed to be pretty strategic insofar as they chose people who would promote the game, yet the personalities in question have done essentially nothing in that regard. Max made like one video of him talking over the promotional footage and that’s about it. It’s a shame the campaign is ending so soon, didn’t give quite enough time for the community to produce its own content for the drive.

Chowdah’s Punch reflects fireballs…


Seon King posted an announcement 5 minutes ago
Here’s an early heads up on our big announcement coming early next week!

We will announce details of our Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm customer controller perks, which will be tasty, AND details on how you can win one in our IndieGogo referrals contest*!

  • Hint: it has to do with sharing campaign page :wink:

Watch out for the update coming early next week and in the meantime, have a great weekend!!

adding to wiki page now. probably missing a few terms atm.

contact “Bellreisa” if you’d like to contribute to the page.

http://wikiwiki.jp/yatagarasufg/ ?%A5%B7%A5%B9%A5%C6%A5%E0 (remove space for proper link)
this page has a lot of info on how parries works, damage rates, recovery rates, and misc. info (most of which I don’t understand really). Anyone who can translate would be of help for contributing to the mizuumi wiki.

Also learned that there seems to be an anti-parry mash mechanism in the engine that won’t allow you to trigger a successful parry if using the same parry level within a certain time frame (e.g. hbl, hbl, hbl or lbl, lbl, lbl). However, this isn’t affect by alternating parries (e.g. lbl to hbl a few frames apart).


JP Tournament starting on the next hour. Featuring some of the same players from yesterday’s insane casual session!


Hiya (Hanzo)
BBS (chada)
Nomo (Hanzo)
Narukami (shimo)
Nago THE GOD HANZO (hanzo)
Tataragi/Solty (Hina…I hope)
Hiro (Jyuzu)

And many more!!!

12 total entries so far. Low quantity but ridiculous quality.

Desktop Edit

If you support YGS, throw up a quick desktop image of yourself watching today’s stream or something and tweet, facebook, or post on the IDG comments page to let people know what’s up!!!


Bracket EDIT

Also, if you donated to the indiegogo, don’t forget to vote for the new character. (vote nene)

AoC funding hit 40k. Nice!

Also, Hiya-san’s event was dopetastic. Still pretty upset about Narukami (strong shimo user) getting peaced out by a Jet player with shit net though…

stalker edit:
NAGO’s aka naGOD aka Nightmare Nago twitter (hanzo user, winner of today’s tourney)

Torrents are top tier, yo.

I just noticed that Chowdah’s EX Drop Kick takes away 50% of the opponent’s guard bar.

Or a character you like.

Forgot to add that Chowdah has the easiest guard break setup in the entire game.

cr.HP 623LP cr.HP 623LK+HK and either 360P Mega Death Pressure (any strength) or 360P Giga Death Pressure.

That is free 25-35% damage for half a bar. And all Scourge Impacts (Punch) are safe on block so if they block a basic combo they either have to Parry, GTFO, or try to hit you out or whatever or they’re fucked. The EX Drop Kick is a pretty easy Parry though. And cr.HP can be parried High or Low.

No other character has anything remotely close to EX Drop Kick that takes off nearly as much Guard.

Well with the new relaxed policies maybe they can do a release on xbla

4.2 tourney SNY hosted couple of weeks ago. Earlier version but still crazy high level stuff.

Also because myself and louis are the only ones contributing to the thread as of late and I hate you all…hold this shit

(I’m really just mad that this video exists)

I contributed a bit. I’m really hoping they earn everything they need, want to see this :slight_smile:

Looks like Chiriakuta is still in the lead.

Maybe if the game sells decently we can have those characters as dlc

I just want to see them hit the GGPO Stretch Goal.

they should atleast make it to psn.i would play the shit out of it

fightstick in the works. only 5 available. more details on the IDG site. wondering how the online tourney will work (probably jp only, us nationwide tourney would be disastrous).