Yangs chain combo's

wot are yangs chain combos (thats if he has any)

yun has a few chain’s and i no yang is simlar 2 yun… but yun chains dont work with yang…

There is a huge thread on it, and another thread on it as well, why not try looking in those? Kicks, low to High. Strong, Firece, Back+Firece. a few.

there’s far strong, fierce, back fierce

and there’s forward, df+forward (in the air)


s. short, s. forward, s. roundhouse.

you’ll usually see it in Sei’ei Enbu combos.


also Close st.Strong>(delay)st.Strong>st.Fierce.

It connects for an astoundingly gay 3 hit combo. Go nuts.

Observational Edit: My god… nothing but sexy ass av’s in here so far.

Good work gentlemen. :tup:

Try close :mp: , :hp: , :l: + :hp: …

If :mp: is done too far, The last one won’t be guaranteed to connect.

EDIT:Right now I just got an Idea to experiment with…

jump in, :df:+:mk: close :mk:, :r: :r: , :mp: , :hp: , :l: + :hp:

blood_dancer: on ur last combo why not j.mk->mk dive kick chain to mp, hp, back+hpxxsa3 then watever u want. unless ur not using sa3
and if u dont have sa3 u should be really close.

Do you mean…
Activate SA3, :uf:, :mk:(air), :df: + :mk:(air), :mp:, :hp:, :l: + :hp: ? I don’t think SA3 can be chained into anything worth more damage…

This might be worth doing…
:uf:, :mk:(air), :df: + :mk:(air), :mp:, :hp:, :l: + :hp:XXSA2