I know this thread is over six years old, but I just put up a video of Yamazaki CCs on my YouTube page.
c.forward, c.roundhouse-whiff c.short, [sj.short x2]x2, sj.short, sj.short x2, sj.short x2-sj.fierce, close s.roundhouse, guillotine
c.forward, c.roundhouse-whiff c.short, sj.strong-sj.roundhouse-sj.strong, sj.roundhouse x2-sj.fierce, [sj.fierce x4]x2, close s.roundhouse, guillotine
fierce reflect-c.fierce-roll, [c.fierce-roll]x4, c.fierce x2-whiff c.short, sj.fierce x4, s.jab, guillotine
c.forward, c.roundhouse, close s.fierce-roll, [c.fierce-roll]x5, c.fierce x2-whiff c.short, sj.fierce x3, guillotine
c.forward, c.roundhouse-strong knife, strong knife-roll, [close s.fierce-strong knife-roll]x2, s.jab, sj.fierce x4, guillotine
c.forward, c.roundhouse-jab knife-fierce knife (one hit), fierce knife (one hit)x2, twd.strong, far s.fierce x6, c.roundhouse-jab knife, strong knife, roll, guillotine
roundhouse counter-c.fierce-roll, [c.fierce-roll]x4, c.fierce x2-whiff c.short, sj.fierce x2, guillotine
j.roundhouse x4, c.fierce, far s.fierce x3, far s.roundhouse-fierce knife (one hit), fierce knife (one hit)x7, c.roundhouse, guillotine
knockdown with roundhouse heel kick, meaty c.forward, activate, c.short, c.roundhouse-jab knife-roll, [c.fierce-roll]x4, c.fierce x2-whiff c.short, sj.fierce x4, gullotine
knockdown with roundhouse heel kick, meaty c.forward (blocked), jab headbutt, roll, activate-fierce headbutt, fierce headbutt x3, drill
RC fierce reflect, roll, activate-fierce headbutt, fierce headbutt x3, drill
RC strong snake arm, roll, activate-fierce headbutt, fierce headbutt x3, drill
roundhouse counter, roll, activate-fierce headbutt, fierce headbutt x3, drill
RC strong snake arm, activate, far s.roundhouse, strong knife-whiff c.short, [sj.fierce x5]x3, close s.roundhouse, guillotine
roundhouse counter, activate, far s.roundhouse, strong knife-whiff c.short, sj.fierce x5, [sj.fierce x6]x2, guillotine