Xrd and Blazblue are currently on sale for $15 (Over)


Can’t beat that price. Go get it

Also, don’t forget to add promo code FH24P5BDR6 to get 10% off.

Just bought this. Hopefully people still play this game.

Both are very much active.

So mad at this fucking sale. Woudlve cop the digital version of xrd on ps3’ but nooope, they had to punt it.

There should be a thread for FG sales and discounts.

They are on sale because they will be obsolete in the next 15 minutes, just like the editions that will follow.

Well gee, I get to play CF before most ppl, and I don’t consider these obsolete. At least not until the console port of the next one is out.

How come this isn’t for PS3?

Because it is on PS3.

He meant the sale.

Which was already over when he asked, unfortunately.