Xmania 11, August 15th 2010

super nohoho fighter ii x: Versus Danisen Videos 080110 Plus Alpha

It’s that time of the year again. I’m really hyped about this. Too bad traveling to Japan to spec is way over my budget. I hope there will be live stream, and if not, hopefully video will surface soon after.

I wish that they go with double-elimination. Many times my favorite team got booted early and I can’t see them in action again. oh well.

Nice! I really hope there’s a stream, or DVD, or…something.

Dear X-Mania 11,

Will you have a stream? I hope you have a stream. Please have a stream!

Your spoiled but enthusiastic fan-in-advance,

I’m very curious about what this could be…

yeah, if there is no stream it will be disappointing, even if video will be posted later

without spoiler it will be much more entertaining to watch…

I remember the year where the 2 men hawk team k and Toutanki sailing all the way to final, if it is live streamed it will be mad hyped

There is still hope though… let’s hope nh2 will bring the good news




Please for the love of god, stream it

Here’s my similar setup that I had to sell (weeps):

OMG I got a hard on!!

Look at these greens!



25 setups, they should try double elimination.

Please make the dream come true this weekend.


super nohoho fighter ii x: X-Mania 2010 Live

Damn I missed the majority of it. Only catch the top 4.

Muteki and Doctor are hot!

Winning team: Hakase (Sim), Noguchi (Claw), Yoshimura (Sim)

It was awrsome.

super nohoho fighter ii x: X-Mania 2010 Results

i’d kill for one of those cabinets!

I managed to capture the stream (not all of it sadly), I might post it on youtube or on another server, as it is around 750mb and its 4hr31min approx. I don’t really know if this was the entire thing or not, but it has some amazing matches.

Also, what’s the X-Mania Archive Series Special DVD and where can I buy it if it’s out?

eidrian, please do post your capture, i’m dying to see pony’s OCV and some hawk action!

for x-mania 11 dvd news, just bookmark super nohoho fighter ii x

nh2 will post about it if it is (ever) released.