Xenoblade Chronicles X countdown. The RPG that places Nintendo back on top in the industry

Damn I was well aware of how big the game is, but running around the map to simply explore or do missions really shows how big this shit is. I be running for hella long and swear I almost got shit covered then i check my “explored” progress or whatever that shit is called and I’m like mannnn, this only ONE continent too. Niggas foreal put a big ass planet in this game.

I literally spent my whole day (8 hours) exploring oblivia and noctilium, doing a few quests here and there. I still haven’t seen all those places have to offer. Game is massive and I love it.

Xenoblade Chronicles X - Survival Guide The Sharpest BLADE in the World

actually explains some of the online functions

We are not ready for the global nemesis…

Sylvalum is a pretty place.

And besides the continents, there’s all the surrounding waters (the black regions on the map) that has uncharted lands. There’s a pretty sizeable one between Primordia and Sylvalum that I want to explore, but the enemies there are too high level.

God damn, 50 hrs in and I finally have the gift of flight. And now I realize how big this game really is. Being able to go places and see some of the shit that was previously unreachable. The insane sense of freedom. Holy shit this is probably the most amazing RPG I’ve played in a looooong time.

The messed up thing is that according to some interviews with the developer, this game was mainly them fucking around to get used to HD development. I seriously can’t wait for their next game if this was more experimentation then anything else.

Also 99 lobster bombs, seriously?

Just a heads up pressing both triggers at once while flying cancels flight and puts you in freefall.

Fuck Im still so behind everyone who i know that has the game lol. Only been able to game this week on Tuesday and that was to test out Cloud and play Smash in general for like half an hour. Still on CH. 3 of Xeno -__-

Feel yeah on that one. I need my lvl up my RPG playing skills.

Am I the only one that thinks the thread title should say “UH, UH, UH, YEAH, YEAH! - The Xenoblade Chronicles X Thread”?

Dunno, I can’t see you, I can’t hear you.

Just picked up my copy , but had to be social so it’s sitting there unopened until even later tonight… :confused:


Been sitting at the title screen for 10 mins… trying to decide if I’m ready to go on this epic journey. Epic title screen

Now go stare at the character creation screen for a few hours whilst you try and get the hair colour just right and decide on a voice.

Picking this up today. How does the online stuff work?

It was a little confusing for me at first. You don’t really get access to online stuff until after Chapter 3. When you do you can join a squad of 32 people who have common objectives, usually killing a certain amount of specific enemies or collecting materials. Finish some of those objectives and squad missions become available. These are where you actually join up and form a party of 4 to go kill some fuckers.

There are three types of squads you can join when you log in. I forget what they’re called but they are essentially a single player mode where you don’t interact with anyone, a multiplayer squad that’s geared more towards working with others to fulfill the objectives. And a friends squad that’s basically the same as the second squad type but with friends.

You communicate by sending messages out in real time from the gamepad, or by leaving them on a bulletin at the squad kiosk in the barracks. That kiosk acts as a hub where you can access all kinds of multiplayer data, take on squad missions, turn in reward tickets for materials, etc.

You can also use your friends’ characters as part of your team temporarily. Once you join their squad when you log in, you can see their avatars hanging around the barracks. Go and recruit them and they join your party for a while. They fight alongside you and you actually get them exp, so it’s good to keep your avatar registered up to date so more people will be inclined to scout it.

There’s also a big round meter at the beginning when you first log in after the title screen that fills up as you complete objectives. Once it’s full it releases a big ass motherfucker called a global nemesis into the world that your squad members can individually take on. I’ve never fought them yet because those fuckers are high levels, so I’m not sure if it’s something where you join up in an actual party like the squad missions or not.

You get rewards for basically all this shit you do online. And you can share rewards with others in your squad as well.

I’m probably forgetting a bunch of shit, or don’t even realize there’s more to it. I’m over 50 hours in this game and still figuring stuff out, lol.

Thanks a lot. That’s all useful information. Is there any kind of SRK squad?

Not sure if there’s anything actually organized. I usually just join up on sonic or king, or whoever from here is on at the time. Usually if there are a few of us on from SRK we’re all in the same squad. Add me if we’re not already friends on Nintendo: Chadouken

Ah, I see. I’ll scrub it up with you guys soon.

YOOOOOO these data pack installs… The fuck?!