XboxOne stick on PC?

I have been googling and searching through forums for the past hour and haven’t found the answer to this question yet (to my surprise).

What is the best/easiest mod available for my situation: I have a new Razer Atrox for the XOne, and I want to modify it so that the triggers work with the PC. I want to get back into street fighter, but don’t want to have to hit three buttons at once for ex/super/ultras. Without modifications I know I’ll be playing with a six button layout, so what options do I have to make it work with all eight buttons?

Do you want to keep using it with the xbone, or is this going to be a pc only stick?

I still want to use it one Xbox one. That’s my primary gaming system, and I bought it because I like playing KI. KI has made me miss SF (it’s been a few years) and I would like to play on PC with this arcade stick too if possible.

You will have to dual mod it then. That controller will require a te2 crossbone and a pc compatible pcb that’s common ground (i would recommend the ps360 if you think you might be playing street fighter with others away from your place).

Honestly, you would save quite a bit of money and work by just adapting to using 6 buttons, and I say that as someone who prefers 8. I would personally have a hard time justifying the cost just for two buttons that I didn’t have to have. If you can see yourself wanting the extra system compatibility down the line, I’d say go for it though.

@PresidentCamacho Thanks I will look into dual modding with a crossbone and ps360 to see what the costs/time investment will be. Money isn’t a huge issue honestly I was thinking about getting a separate arcade stick, but I bought one that was built for modding so why not try to learn?

If it looks too difficult though I’ve debated learning to play SF with 6 buttons. Thanks for the response.

Okay so studying the dual mod page and other forum posts I’ve decided to attempt 6 button play lol. I’m just afraid I’ll mess up my Atrox. I’ll keep an eye out for sales on PC compatible TE2s.

I apologize, I was thinking you had the te2, not the Atrox. I believe the atrox is common ground, meaning you wouldn’t need the te2. Dual modding may still be more work than you want to put into it, but it’s definitely cheaper and easier than it would be if you had a te2.

Are your trigger buttons registering in the control panel? If they are but don’t work in usf4 you could probably just use a software like Xpadder to remap to keyboard. It is a common issue that some games had with 360 pads.

I had someone confirm this

Xpadder DOES NOT work for the two extra buttons (RT and LT) for Xbox One sticks. This is a Driver issue and MS has no intention of fixing as sticks are not their concern (they just say it’s Razer’s problem if you ask them).
You got to learn to play on six buttons (seriously there aren’t many games that need all 8 buttons) or STOP USING XBOX ONE STICKS ON PC (maybe have the stick dual-modded).

I re-wired the buttons so I can use the left 6 buttons and tried USF4 out for a few rounds last night and I think playing with 6 buttons won’t be so bad. Thanks for all of the suggestions!

What do you have to rewire in order to have the 6 buttons work the way it should

Since the xbox one stick triggers aren’t recognized by the PC you need to swap out the RT and LB buttons. That was simple for me, and I’ve never messed with an arcade stick innards before this weekend. That leaves the two right buttons as unusable on the PC, so fighting games play the way they naturally should, only you don’t have the two extra buttons for PPP or KKK shortcuts. hitting all three felt pretty natural even though I’ve never fought that way.