Were you looking to sell this all as a unit, or would you be willing to part it out? I’d like the plexi and potentially the PCB, if you’re interested in selling them to me PM me if that sounds like something you’d like to do.
I could part with the plexi and pcb PM me an offer we will see what happens
How much for just the case if he buys the rest?
depens on what he buys it for im still gonna try to get 60 for every thing
So this works fine and all that would need to be put in is the buttons and a joystick to get a working stick?
you got it and put the bottom and top back on i was just going to convert it to happ parts but it looked like shit so I decided to scrap the project. But yea it works great.
sorry if you tired to contact me and I my box was full fixed now…
bump …if you from out of the country and cant handle the shipping rates then dont bother thanks
also more than willing to part out if need be
if you’re parting out, lemme know how much you’d want shipped for just the top metal plate if it isn’t claimed.
i dont wanna part is out that much because then the case is worthless guess I should have been more specific my bad
pm sent
SNAP did you sell the PCB ><
yea every thing is gone sorry guys