XBL Only - Dudley Endless Lobby Sessions -

Without the roids is a good choice.

I need a breakdown like this :open_mouth:


stream up


end pm to thirtyfourec on xbl to join

sound not workin
tut was a lie
streaming without sound
deal with it

renegade joining with the psn connection

is your stereo mix at least working? it’s the reason why i gave up on trying to stream

i restarted PC to clear up space

now my stream link sound thing isnt workin
illf ix in time for uh… next week stream

has nothing to do with space on pc. prolly program or stereo mix sound card on your pc (enabling device)

I have up on it so idc anymore, doesn’t bother me.

How long do you guys lobby for?

session had at ost 6 people
hour later ended up with 3 including me

started laggy ended up lagless

every single dudley that joined needs to work on punish combos anti airs and blockstrings/pressure

also i wanna see EX MGB > U2 midscreen
remember it doesnt work on adon

still open at 11pm EST?

ill prob be on idk if lobby will b

lobby is back up
5 people in atm including me imma skip everytime i streak once

39-1? really? we must all unite ffffff

thirtys whats your stream link


but its not up

its cool I can just watch the previous stream vids
gonna absorb all of it

How does it compare to EX MGB > duck straight > U2?

Edit: I guess what I really want to ask is, what are the benefits? Just damage?

I contributed to so much of that. Shit was a lot of fun though.

Could you tell me what I could improve on, Thirtyfour? You had me downloaded in like 2 games :(. rofl

Hard knockdown.

game is stupid

i quit
