I think mags with sentinel assist
I have to condition myself to use doom beams to counter sentinel assist
Also, I put myself in the corner most of the time so mags can pretty much harass me
Backing yourself into the corner is a general FG habit that I had to unlearn when I started playing other games, and it helped immensely in Marvel.
No matter what you can generally play offensively and defensively best against Magneto at normal jump height. You can hold your ground about mid-screen away and just stay there, neutral jumping liberally. If he comes at you, look to air dash H in or plink up and grab him. Most Mags’ are gonna try to approach you from the air so it’s all about reading when they’ll do something unsafe. Likewise you can punish zoning attempts with Speed Tackle from that range.
I think Nova/Beam beats Mags/Drones pretty clean. You’re right that you have to learn to counter-call it.
thanks, i didn’t think about that midscreen advantage. Will definitely abuse that
If this is consistent as hell, then it’ll be more riskier to make reads with speed tackle