X360\ps3 changes list

regardless, please record that or really test since you don’t sound 100%. especially since I’ve gotten hit by PLENTY of vidness’ busters

thanos bubble infinite now works on more people!!

basically there have always been 3 classes for it… 1.)always works on em 2.) works in corner 3.) doesn’t work at all…

there is now a 4th class which is 2 - 4 reps will work midscreen…

The short punch list (not done)

Doesn’t ever work


Always works everywhere


2-4 reps midscreen works


corner only

everyone else*

  • = A number of cast members i have yet to test on new marvel… so there might be more midscreeners at this point.

Dreamcast just die already with the super broken game, yeah Marvel is fun but still. Hurry up and die!!!

you shut your mouth! zu ga takai!

Omfg! I’m so glad I read this thread! I just knew I wasn’t the only one that was wondering why stuff isn’t working! I’m on the Xbox 360 atm and I swear to god I can’t do anything I want oppose to the DC/PS2 version. Game is just super laggy and not fun at all to me on the next-gen.

I don’t have a dual mod stick (currently want one but dunno where to go) but using the Xconverter and I swear I’m having button input lag as well. I can do some stuff but just don’t come out fast or it’s late as hell ex. I feel like I’m pressing my assist button 3x for it to come out. I feel like I got to learn the whole game again, ROM and resets.

cool thanks for clearing that up. guess I gotta get our MAS sticks modded. i cant mash on jap

I know tron’s drill to King Kubon super needed to be super jumped out of before, now you just hold up and forward after the freeze and you get out for free. So it seems like the first hit out of the super has more start up.

So does this mean I have to relearn the timing for IM’s infinite now? I ask this because I still do it perfectly in the arcades, but on training mode? Pffft.

why is ROM so hard on ps3 but so easy on DC? :frowning:

^PS3 timing is really off and you also have the medium attack issues in these ports. Though, if you can find the timing then it’s not too bad and probably slightly preferable over the more-correct-feeling-but-inherent-lag XB360 port. Realize that HDTV’s will also change the timing (if you’re particularly sensitive).

I think I’m just used to PS3 timing these days and it feels pretty much natural… playing DC still feels ok and maybe a tad easier… 360 is just WTF IS THIS GAME DOING!!! lol

Granted that’s online play… not sure if the 360 is better for local shiz but dayum I can’t play 360 marvel with people who live 200 - 300 miles out… meanwhile I can play lagless all day on ps3 vs japan or a similar distance.

^that’s just the perception you’ve gotten used to I think. Anytime anyone says “lagless” when it comes to netplay of any distance I pretty much assume their timing is hella adjusted to autopilot (like a lot of play on PS3 netplay is, you can’t roll anything rofl…well unless you autopilot it).

xb360 seems more skippy on my end but more natural timing for reactions as well. though there’s also the inherent lag at certain points :[

That would be pretty accurate I think. There really is no such thing as lagless online play. Even on high end connections… and reasonably close distance. I guess a better way to put it would be something like… I feel like ps3 has a more even timing overall and isn’t as adversely affected by lag spikes as 360. There is no real “stutter” when playing ps3 online… almost ever…

yup, that’s exactly it and has been talked about before. PS3 handles lag it seems by having a real smooth picture (which fools a lot of people who learned by netplay) but the input lag worsens. XB360 is more GGPO-like in that at higher lag it’s hard to even see wtf is going on (rollbacks)…but input timing is considerably better imo. PS3 is definitely a smoother look and I don’t think it’s that bad offline at least (but takes some getting used to). You can play against japan with a smooth picture but you better have your autopilot ironed out and realize you can’t react to a thing (but neither can they) heh

Netplay AH3 is funny with so many netplayers (even more funny the ones on wireless) who say there’s ‘no lag’ and they’re playing ‘perfectly fine’ rofl. Definitely a diff. exp from netplay mvc2 since 99% of the players SRKers would play learned the game offline.

Yea the way people learn fighting games in general has changed. We used to play only locally and then maybe on GGPO but around SF4 and after most people’s ideas about games come from experience with online play and little else. It’s an epidemic actually.

Dual sided though. Plenty of people came into marvel when next gen version launched… and learned the game… and stuck around. So now there’s a huge online community and games to be had anytime of any day… … and the tradeoff might be worth the changes if there isn’t a great scene near you (aka like me).

I could see it being pretty annoying for an IM player trying to a2g someone if you can’t react to the small flight adjustments needed. Would start to become a crap shoot.

Yeah definitely. Even the fact that people gladly play on those HDTVs which have noticeable lag (for me) seems very different from the scene of before I even started playing mvc2. Then there’s the casual-ness of a lot of the new players (which what we’re discussing plays a part of). Oh well, everyone has (or had) their good times at least :slight_smile:

ROM-ing was hard enough for me (and others I played with) on ps3 netplay let alone a2g. Actually the problem with lag isn’t so much the combos (can still autopilot after getting the confirm) but is the reacting as precisely as you can during the very very important neutral (which netplay obv. has degraded) or reacting to anything else.

I’m still holding out that mvc2 will make a return somehow

If the online player base could ever be counted on to come out for majors then the comeback would be self sustaining… but I guess that hasn’t really been the case.

Than again it’s last year at Evo saw a huge number of entries for marvel 2… but the next year they still canned it… so I guess it’s also about the publishers and promoters… and if they will ever let it come back.

Doing stuff like Khaos vs Sanford as a big event at final round would be a good start. Show some of these new kids who started with mvc3 how hype it is when you can truly distinguish high level play from mid level.

Depending on how the year goes I might have to make it out to FR to see that shit! (and get some games in too of course).