X23 Video Tutorial series (Learn 2 pray 2nd best Wolvie)

YouTube - DevilJin01’s Channel <<<<< LINK

I figured I might as well make a thread for this so it’s easier to see for people who aren’t trying to scroll through all kinds of threads for info on learning to play Laura. I’m kinda also using it as a video journal to work on techniques and have something visual to jot down what I’m learning. A lot of us of course decided to pick up this character because we liked the potential and unique play style she has and well…not everyone wants to just run around doing left right berserker slash and dive spam with Wolvie.

I’m basically going to be updating whenever possible with new short videos that explain any new important techniques I learn on using X23. For those that were interested in her frame data on her normals and specials in the first 2 videos I gave a rundown of her normals and specials with the frame data in them. Eventually I’ll probably just post the frame data up on the first page of this thread also. From there I have some vids that test out the priority of her normals vs. Wesker and go through general advanced tactics using her MFC game, instant dive game and more.

The newest thing I just updated with is a video that explains how to deal with those annoying Wolvie/Trish dive kicks. Most people just kinda sit on the ground to block these dive kicks and that’s what they basically want cuz they get frame advantage afterwards. The other annoying thing about those moves is that once they become active they are unable to be air thrown which severely limits your options for anti airing them with regular anti air tactics. They also blow up pretty much all normal based anti airs as well. The video explains a technique used in other air dash style games like Melty Blood which puts you into a situation that makes it easier to punish the dives.

Any feedback in the videos or in the thread is always warranted. Thanks for watching in advance.

I actually nominated your vids for front page a few days ago, hoping it gets on front page haha.

Thx for the nomination. I’d like to see it get up with the work i put into it. I dont have the technical know how or the resources to do anything really flashy with the vids but this allows me to video log stuff that I’m learning to make it easier for people to play. Makes it easier in general to put anything I learn out there instead of having to make another flashy video everytime. LOL.


Good stuff bro! That Frame data is invaluable. I’ve been tryin to get my hands on that 4 a while now (no Brady guide in my area). That’s definitely gonna help my game. 5 frame s:m: with ludicrous range? +10 blk adv on j:qcf::l: talon dive? That stuff is gold!


This is good stuff. However, I’m still having a hard time finding good uses for her MFC.

This is great stuff. Nominated as well.

If you want DevilJin01 I can (attempt) recapture everything you’ve done so far in HD and send it you. Hit me a pm if interested.

Got a couple new vids up that I will be adding to the play list soon. One shows off more advanced techniques with her instant L talon attack which I think is probably the most powerful thing I’ve discovered with her yet. Maybe only 2nd would be the 2nd video that shows off how you can use her s.H+Akuma tatsu assist to create a frame tight block string that you can pretty much auto pilot into damage or help you get in.

Even though I don’t play X-23, this video was extremely helpful. Awesome work, DJ. :tup:

Good stuff DJ, been trying to up my X game and this helps a ton.

Seems quite a few people have suscribed to my YouTube so I’m sure some have already seen the new video I just put up. I was trying to edit the video with annotations and I saw that people were already responding to the video. LOL. For those that haven’t suscribed or aren’t on Youtube ATM I got another vid up that shows why in the future it will be very important to have 3 meters whenever X23 is on the screen. It’s basically a set up with Akuma tatsu assist so Dirt Nap is inescapable on hit or block after a c.H or s.H except for guard XFC. Which even if they do use guard XFC to escape you can block and bait them into the super any way.

Thx for the nominations by the way and hopefully one day it does get up on the front page. Until then I’ma keep making vids. Oh and might as well respond to some of the posts.

Yeah I’m going to start going into more MFC based setups and the overall importance of it in some later videos. You can still make X23 a threat without it but eventually the benefits you’re going to get from it will be very much worth doing.

Thanks. I’m already talking with you in the PMs any way.

Long time man. Glad it helped you out.

Since it’s a tutorial series, have you had any thoughts on the best characters to back X-23? Assists to help her get in/to setup weaponX after ankle slice OTG/Best DHC(non trick)/etc? I think it would be very helpful for the series.

I have some general ideas and it’s something I could definitely make a video of. Generally I feel she needs one assist that sets up unblockables for her and another than locks down or helps her get in. She can easily still get in or create mix ups if she only has one available it just augments her game a lot to do so. Especially if you put her up first. The best way to play her IMO is to build up meter so she can go in with a lockdown assist and force them into an unblockable dirt nap. You can also use a lockdown assist like hidden missles or jam session when one character dies and the next one comes in where you can pretty much guarantee the dirt nap and kill them off also.

Specifically I would say as far as assist go Akuma’s tatsu assist, Dante’s jam session, Doom/Iron Man’s beams, Doom’s hidden missles, Ammy’s Cold Star, Tron’s fire assist and any low or overhead hitting assist is great to compliment with her. Characters that build meter quickly in the front like Magneto or Viper are great to have backing up X23 so she can become a death touch character when she gets in with the Dirt Nap.

I have been using Akumas tatsu assist for the Dirt nap setup, DHC trick setup, and a really easy hit confirm. He seems like the best one to compliment her. I was going to make a few short videos of X23 before i found out about your series. Good luck!

Thanks. Yeah eventually I’ll start getting into other basic and important aspects like generally how to get in and approach different characters and possibly go into the things you were saying like good characters/assist to partner her with. For that I’ll need to find my extra SD card so I can take a bit longer videos probably.

Until then I got some extra vids up showing off what can be done to escape using the XF guard cancel. If the opponent wants to cancel into a super it either has to have really fast start up like Akuma’s beam or have a lot of invincibility from the start like Ryu’s tatsu super. Ryu’s beam starts up too slow to immediately throw out. If you want to mash out a normal on Akuma after the XF cancel it has to be really quick normal like Phoenix’s c.L or Chun Li’s s.L. At least half the cast can pretty much only really mash on a normal after the guard cancel and will get stuffed out of their supers. You also can’t delay at all in pressing a button after the guard cancel or Akuma will hit you.

The fact that you can XF cancel out isn’t terrible because it forces the opponent to burn their XF early and it’s only really a specific set of characters that can do anything really threatning to Akuma. Especially when Akuma can hit them if their timing isn’t perfect on the retaliation. X23 can also go in and stop a retaliation provided and still combo into dirt nap. She’s invincible for about 25 frames during the start up and can’t be seen unless she’s physically hit by an attack. Blocking something will keep you invisible to move around and hit them.

In general though this also is making me think of ways to use s.H as an anti air then cancel into dirt nap and get them while they are locked in the air and can’t guard cancel. I’ll have to test.

The interesting thing I’m finding out about the game in general that I didn’t know before is that XF makes you build meter faster. You can do like some really basic ABCS stuff with X23 and if you are in XF it will build you a whole bar easily. This will definitely be important to making X23 a lot stronger with the Dirt Nap because once you turn on the XF and build up meter you’re going to able to have more meter for killing the next character off and possibly even get enough meter to rebuild another dirt nap setup. Especially if one character is down and you have level 2 XF. Have to play around with that.

** Gonna be updating with some new videos soon.** Generally going to go back to basics and show different ways to get in and approach with X23 in general and against different characters. Will also get into the importance of using assists with X23 and how brining out the 2nd assist after the first one can start assist “chains”, how to deal with people spamming normals in the air (something that I’ve personally been having trouble with also), mix ups and option selects off her regular throws and dealing with advance guard.

These videos are so helpful man keep it up

I realize another effective way to handle Wolverine’s dive kick is to simply dash forward and go underneath Wolverine. When X-23 dashes, her hurtbox shrinks and not to mention, she moves extremely fast. Of course you can’t really rely on this if the Wolverine player does this while calling certain assists, but if not, just press 2x attack if you see him jump. Best thing about it is, once he lands, Wolverine is likely to be punishable with an M but if you’re not close enough then he can just dive kick your wiffed M or c.H (standing H will wiff at the end of Wolvie’s dive kick because he’s crouched.) for the counter hit stagger. I think this is important because dashing under Wolverine avoids potential mix ups after successfully blocking a divekick. Plus, if you get hit while dashing, no stagger, no ground bounce. You might get lucky if the player fails to confirm the hit.

Thx a lot and thx for the props and friend request on youtube.

I tried some stuff in training mode and it definitely seems that you get put in stagger no matter what. It probably isn’t a terrible idea to keep moving in general against Wolverine because I’m sure just like X23’s dive and talon attack that Wolverine’s dive on a whiff has some whiff recovery. The only way you’re going to make Wolverine’s dive whiff obviously is if you keep moving. X23’s talon dive hits at an angle and comes down slowly enough from a height where its easy to whiff punish. Talon attack is a bit harder to whiff punish but can definitely be whiff punished also.

I did notice that if Wolverine lands a dive off a regular jump he has to kinda time a link with s.L specifically to get it to work as opposed to if he super jumps first which if he lands a super jump dive he gets all day to do anything.

EDIT: Didn’t realize you brought up how wave dashing under Wolverine exposes a vulnerable hit box where you can hit him in the back with M. I was testing it out in training mode and yeah one wave dash under at close range or a couple wave dashes under from a dive done from a distance will get you punishing it quickly. Same thing with X23’s L talon attack. If they somehow get under it or you try to cross up with it and it whiffs, it’s your ass.

I definitely believe overall that you constantly need to be moving to throw off Wolverine. If you’re just standing around waiting for a mix up you better block it the right way and push block or its your ass. Moving around often like against Wesker allows you to throw off the spacing they need to ambiguously hit you with berserker slash.

NINJA EDIT: Just added new vid showing off ways to set people up and OS after throws. Plus added in techniques for generally getting X23 in against opponents and specific tools for getting in against popular characters like Wesker, Sentinel and Wolvie.

SUPER NINJA EDIT: Added some new random stuff about dealing with Wesker’s teleports and a new, better variation of the MFC string.**

If Wesker uses H teleport in range of X-23’s s.H (in front/above her, never directly above her), I’ll just throw it out. s.H as an anti-air counter attack is definitely something to get to know since it leads to Mirage feint or launcher if you want. Get the timing down and it’s more likely to hit than trade, but if it hits, its a free bnb.

Got around to putting some more stuff up. New vid that shows how her command grab works and set ups for it and a video on basic ways to beat advance guard and pressure people on block. Later today I’ll have another video up that shows some more advanced techniques for beating advance guard.