X Men CoTA Thread

I’ve just started playing it and need new tips and stuff, combos, strategies etc. Its a really fun game, and I find the best to be Sentinel and Storm.

Check out available combo and match vids on combovideos.com, darktemplarz.com, addictz.darktemplarz.com and Go For Broke (well, if I’m on since I’m usually the only one sharing that).
Do you go on kaillera at all? (and if you use mame, check out replays on addictz.darktemplarz.com as well).

For general tips, get used to “manual” super-jump cancelling (3K or quick down-up). Useful for cancelling normals that might not be safe to cancel into a special, and it’s how you follow up launchers for air combos.

Been awhile since I played this one myself.

Ok here’s a few tricks I can remember

Colossus can pickup ground opponents by pressing down and three punches. It looks similar to how Hulk picks up the ground on MSH but Colossus does it with the opponent. At that point you can do one of his slams.

As some already know Iceman doesn’t take damage from beams. But what was different in the later ones is that Psy’s psyblast would bounce back though. Also a famous combo that I seen alot was after the Arctic Attack players would follow that up with a Iceball.

Psylocke well in her Ninjistu (the mirror images) if she taunts she can do the Ninjistu teleport

Storm had a few tricks in XmenCOTA as well. First off she had this semi infinite I think. Wasn’t sure but it was crouching strong,dash crouching strong, crouching strong, dash crouching strong repeat. Her jumping strong was good as well as her level wind control. I seen people use it to blow back people who rushdown alot.

Combo wise with Sent standing forward two in one was good with Rocket Punch was used alot. Also good to two in one after a low roundhouse also. He also had the fan blade spin (down and roundhouse in the air), body splash (down and fierce in the air), and he could delay the strong (down and strong in the air).

I was doing a semi infinite with Wolvie also. Kind of strange though is because you go in speed mode dash short,dash jab,dash short,dash jab,repeat. While he’s hitting you he gains meter also (I tried this on the PSX copy of COTA) gonna try it on the emulator and Saturn.

For Colossus: Dizzy a person with toward and punch (can be comboed) and they’ll be dizzy on the ground, so you can start the combo with the pickup. ex: Tornado grab in corner, mash punch, dash, hold toward and hit punch, opponent dizzy on the ground. For Sent/Col himself, mash like nuts.
This can also be comboed off the Dive Bomb super on certain characters (you have to land/recover first, and grab them out of the “splat” frames before they’re considered “neutral” on the ground then can roll. If they don’t roll but it didn’t combo, free reset.

Sentinel can pickup too but it drains his meter, his ground dizzy hit is the air body splash, should it be the dizzying hit (can be comboed as well).
The down+strong in the air (makes you float) was good since you could do that, then immediately whiff cancel into an HK/HP. So you could spit or kick, sj, immediately down+mp, cancel to hk/hp, whatever. All of Sent’s normals chip.

Dashing infs…yes alot of people have them…jabs, shorts and for some (like Storm) strong, forward (for her strong into forward as well), for Psylocke dash roundhouse, crouch cancel dash roundhouse (or dash fierce, rh, cc repeat, this only seems to work on Colossus and Sentinel though, RH for everyone else), only a few examples there…
Don’t know how much of a factor these were in arcades on sticks/without 3P button though.

Storm can stay airborne forever with Lighting Attack, typhoon (cancels the LA recovery, she can’t do any normals after it but can do specials/supers), LA…blah blah
Wind can also extend combos (see Vol 2 again).

More later, keep it comin ^______^

Sent’s crouching strong (and I think his standing strong ) had him shoot out missiles. I forgot about him picking up also. It’s been awhile

Oh, well I don’t care about meter for sentinel, since his super is just about useless.

Sorry I don’t have any comboes to post, I can only learn for now, but I know storm can rushdown with a trijump and I think thats pretty damn cool.

Can you play as Magneto and Juggernaut on the psx version? Do all combos I see in those videos work on the psx version? Thanks.

I’m playing the game alot more and find my best characters to be Psylocke, Sentinel, and Storm. I am very used to MVC2, and know nothing about this game yet, so can someone elaborate on the crounch cancelling? Which characters have infinites in this game and what are they? Can someone tell me some Sentinel, Storm, and Psylocke strategies and infinites? I would like to focus mainly on them, and does anyone know the tier list on here?

PSX version I can’t say, but I’ve been wanting to get around to trying combos on the Saturn version. The speed just feels different though (there’s also some slowdown and the frame hacking in the US Saturn version is pretty bad).
Bosses would probably be playable via Gameshark or something. On any of the various PC emulators that play it just activate the cheat.

About Crouch Cancelling, it’s the same concept as Wolverine’s cc infinites in MSH/MvC/etc [Dashing short, strong, tap down, repeat].
All characters have multiple infinites (many are certain weight/character only) except Silver Samurai, who only has 100% stuff involving power ups (usually ice) and a pseudo infinite that only seems to work best on Storm. (possibly true infinite, but difficult to keep going)
Basically when they say “Create Your Own Combo”, they mean it. There’s very few limits outside of some things pertaining to throws and the physics/ground push/slide (and meter consumption).

Another bit of general info, you need meter to tech hit. Half of the cast can escape and take no damage, or take the first part of damage and then “safe fall” out of the rest; and the other half can counter throw which must be done immediately, they cannot safe fall:

Escape/Safe fallers:
Cyclops, Wolverine, Omega Red, Spiral, Storm, Silver Samurai, Akuma
Counter throwers:
Colossus, Iceman, Psylocke, Sentinel
-Note: Escape/Safe fallers can escape Omega’s Coils, Counter Throwers cannot.

Re: Tiers, refer to this post…
I won’t get too into tiers…it ALWAYS starts an argument regardless of the game.

Sentinel stuff…
Some good tactics in the match videos on combovideos.com right now (2 more coming up in a day or so). These were taken from a 2 hour block of games on Kaillera (between 2-4am-ish, so it wasn’t perfect gameplay, but a bit better than one gets during the daytime. If you can play mame replays and want to see it all, let me know.

Tactics in brief-
Spit (standing or crouching, crouching is a rocket not a beam, but the rocket has tons of stun), drones depending on where the opponent is/what they can do. Spit, float, poke with hard normals and RP if it’s safe…Spit, fly(need meter), stomp/frying pan, unfly, stomp… standing mk for anti-air, if enough of the “bombs” on it hit, sj, hk, appropriate Rocket punch (usually mp) will dizzy on many of the light/middle weight chars.

Some Bread n’Butters:

-Mk launch, sj hk, mp rocket punch…if a hit or throw preceeds this, there’s a good chance it will dizzy.
If in the corner, you might be able to stick in an Hk, lp rocket punch on middleweights.
-Mp throw, standing Hk while they’re hitting the ground, lp rocket punch
You can preceed things with c.Lk, but it’ll affect the damage scaling. It’s always best to get in as many hard hits as you can without sticking in light hits (if possible) at the start of a combo, because after a certain number of hits it’ll all just do one pixel.

Some infinites-
Vs Colossus/Sentinel in corner: standing mk, hp rocket punch, dash in when needed. With Colossus you can link an extra lk, mk after the first mk, but only the first time.
There’s a flying infinite (maybe just pseudo) that’ll be in a vid soon.

-addendum: A few others can get an extra standing mk linked onto them as well as Colossus (ex: Silver Samurai), or first mk (in corner) normal jump follow up, or some other ground follow up.

nice, how do u play as akuma? and these combos arent certain in the playstation version?

thanks for the posts by the way, i think psylocke is mid tier, but its just my opinion. so her infinite is hk, tap down, dash, hk repeat?

Here’s a link for PS codes for the game, including Play as Akuma. According to it the bosses can be played via a code and a gameshark is not needed. I can’t test anything for PSX because I don’t have that version :(.


oh alright thanks a bunch, so is that dash cancelling right? (the one i posted before) And the same for storm with the c.mp?

oh shit, the codes work, mag is dope, along with juggy, too bad you cant use themn in arcade mode : (.

No prob, I like Psylocke too, she can really rush that shit down, but also has her weaknesses. Long recovery on Psi-flash and Psy-blade, in some instances the opponent can recover before YOU, even if it hits.

For any dashing infinite, the first hit needs to be dashing as well.
What you posted is right (just remember the first hit needs to be dashing), and when you tap down to crouch cancel, you let go immediately, don’t hold it (for Psylocke).
For dashing crouching infs with Storm, you hold down, tap 3P, attack, repeat. Works with any crouching normal that’s not FP/RH. (in fact you only need 2P to dash in CotA, but the extra buttons in the control options will probably be 3P/3K like it is for Saturn, you probably have to enable it.)

More on Storm and Psy later. There’s lots, there’s a reason they got the longest segments in Vol2 (Storm especially), and even then there’s always more.

How does akuma fare in this game? All I remember about him is that the code to play him was a real bitch to get right and when you messed it up you’d be stuck with Silver Samurai.

Nah, Akuma isnt hard to get, just follow the directions, very carefully, I didn’t get it the first time either. Akuma, from what I see really sucks ass, I don’t even know his specials, I’ve tried lp lp forward lk hp and everything else and was like wtf nothing’s coming out. I dunno what the hell this does, but it burns meter: hcb punch.

Yeah, thanks a bunch for the infinite tips, and with psylocke I learn that its really kill or be killed, she takes damage so badly :confused:

I dunno where Akuma would fit in the tier. Raging Demon wasn’t in this game (this was before Alpha 1). He has a delay in his dash. His supers are QCFx2 punch for a fireball one (which knocks the opponent up in the end), DPx2 and punch or 3P for the DP super (which has Guard Cancel-ish properties, since it’s instant startup).
QCB punch is a counter-ish move, the opponent has to attack with a normal (not low/sweep either IIRC), and they get DP countered.
He has the standard DP/FB/HuriKick/HCF P for another FB, his air fireball shoots 2 FBs and builds lots of meter, his air dive kick sucks. He has the teleport (DP or RDP and 3 kicks).
It’s been mentioned in alot of FAQs that his chain reverses when he crouches, this causes some odd behavior.
His “launcher” (c.hp) sucks. His sweep doesn’t count as a sweep either. So if you want to try corner juggles, dashing c.hk, standing hp, hk, strong DP, you can then juggle with some standing jabs/hp, hk into another DP for an infinite (I think that’s how it goes, on the girls and Cyclops…forget the others).
You can also hold toward and go for a throw while they’re above your head (coming down from being DP’d) to pick them out of the air with a comboed throw (example in the last combo preview of Vol2).
-Edit: If you have no meter, do a DP motion, tap 3K before hitting punch and you’ll do a sky high DP (thanks KeN/White Silver).

He also takes damage like a baby and has a glitchy bounce when he’s thrown or hit with a move like Col’s Dive Bomb. This gives lots of time to OTG combo him and makes for some things that only work on him (BB Hood’s GlitchVideos.com has an example of this and a few other things for CotA).

Hey, thought spiral is the worst in the game, I was playin around with her and found out some cool patterns because her MVC2 can trap and everything.

I use her meter for The Switch (qcb+lp) and teching, teleports and powerups and such.

A speedup infinite is: Speedup, dash, s.mp, repeat.

What I do with Spiral to build meter is: Sj. Swords(qcb mp+hp) hp, dash down(qcb) lp, land, dash in s.hpxx Sj. repeat. I dunno if its good to be used against experts in this game (I havent played real experts, just seen some vids) but it looks pretty safe to me.

You guys might have known this but Psylocke’s j.hp, hk has some SERIOUS lockdown, since there is no pushblocking in this game, especially against sentinel.

One question, is crouch cancelling really that hard or is it just practice? I can hardly ever get it down in a real game…

Silver Samurai might be comparably the worst, though that doesn’t mean he’s useless.

In your Spiral strat, when you land, throw out a standing or ducking lp, it’s fast and will throw out a sword to help cover you rushing in with HP. If you still have some swords in your halo, throw them out for space control as you’re jumping up then call again.
They can be batted away though (or just jumped after and you get kicked while calling swords), and your underside is open to things like upward rocket punches, coils and whatnot. QCF Lk and Hk sword throws use meter but they cover certain flanks better. HK swords try to “seek”, but use the most meter.
About Spiral’s HP. Even if it hits successfully with all hits, it has long recovery, and many can hit her during that. Since you’re used to SJ cancelling it, it probably won’t be an issue for you.
Another note about forcing them to block the s.Hp. Some characters have supers that act as guard cancels with instant startup (Wolverine’s Berserker Barrage, Colossus’ Dive Bomb, Akuma’s DP super, Spiral’s own Metamorph for a few). When they have full meter, be careful of forcing them to block long strings, because if they know about it they’ll be waiting for it. Then it becomes a mindgame of then waiting for it and you baiting out their super if they get antsy.
This is only relevant when playing human opponents.

About CC’ing, how do you go about it and how many hits do you usually get? It could just be slowdown working against you. Alas, the home converstions weren’t perfect, and there were slowdowns. I’m looking for the PSX version to compare.

Oh okay anyways I don’t think I could use spiral that good anyways.

One time I got 3 reps, thats just swinging the stick down then forward forward frantically along with some s.hp s.hk on sentinel with psylocke. Usually I wouldn’t have trouble learning new combos (in mvc2) so it COULD be the the psx version itself, but I tried it to CC the s.hk while the opponent just standing there (2p mode) and it cancells, but its kinda late, and the dash would get it but the next s.hk wont connect.