X-Men: Children of the Atom thread

here you go:


There’s 33 replays in there so have fun :P. Not really sure who is who in most of them (minus #32 i’m player 1 and battousai is player 2, and 92 is Battousai and Stafos) but usually if it’s omega red being played, it’s probably me.

They’re all mame32K .64 replays, right?
Iapetus is right though, we gotta get these in video form :-/

If you want i can convert a few of them… but the sound i get on this thing while recording is pathetic…

yeah they’re all mame 32k. 0.64 replays. I have a few i’d like to get recorded. There’s one Omega red vs. Sent match that’s sticking out in my mind i just can’t remember which replay it’s on.

Bump cause of colossus love.


this game is really good
the levels are for tech the throws :S

Anyone wanna try playing this over p2p kaillera?

I got about 2 hours of matches with SiD from it last week, working on converting a handful of them this week.

Ahh Stafos, what is your secret to getting Akuma like 99% of the time >_<;



my secret to using akuma 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999812882937 (keyboard errors, and sudden Stafos’ fatalities are discluded) is climbing death mountain and speaking with the “Akuma sage” who tells you that the code is actually significantly easier than the COTA community leads you to believe.

GGs given… i lost most of them… hah :wink:

I have an American COTA, its pretty much like the arcade version, just has loading times. Thats the one thing amazing with Saturn…their 2d conversions were amazing.

Cuz unlike Sony, Sega knows how to Copy/Paste.

Well…except for ST and Alpha 3. -_-;


I dont know for certain, but i heard that the Saturn version of Marvel Super Heroes has a 3meg RAM expansion mode in its option mode somewhere. Is that true, or just a rumor?

I think it’s just the JP ver of MSH actually.

I’ll play this through p2p if anyone wants.

Already played stafos a but the other day.

Seeing the date this was recorded made me realize how terribly far behind I am on recording stuff (matches and combos) =/

Sent combo - [media=youtube]0yivU4KkVRs[/media]

Keep it coming, JM. :tup:

Who’s coming to NEC? I’ll have COTA on a laptop again, this time running FB 0.518 (or another version shown to have no input delay) and hopefully converters with no delay/high fidelity.

Wolv combo practice - [media=youtube]XsOPu8n59lM[/media]

If i’m back home by then i’ll be there. Good stuff batts.

We really need to record some more match vids when we get a chance.

jedah if you wanna play on kaillera i wanna learn from you. or p2p i mean.

which version is preferred? euro? im tryna learn psylocke :smile:

Drac, are you still in Cali?

Magman, if you see me in #srkkaillera I’m available to play. Otherwise what times are good for you?

Euro and US are the same, it’s the Japan versions that have gameplay tweaks. Most people use Euro just because it’s the parent set.