Sorry, I’m late to the SFA3 scene. But I heard that at one time X-Dhalsim was a pretty powerful character. How does he still measure up in modern SFA3? I’m a long time Dhalsim player, so I definitely always want to use him in any game he’s in. I’ve only found that X-Dhalsim allows me to play the way I really want to play. How good is X-Dhalsim in this game. It looks like he got some use in earlier tournaments. I’m sure he has weaknesses like poor defense. However, I don’t think he can be locked down so easily because of his teleoport. Also, Yoga mummy. jab, slide, jab seems to add some really good pressure. His drills are really buff too. And Yoga Tempest is a damn good anti-air, which can’t be air blocked it seems. Dhalsim seem to lose some anti-air control due to him no longer having controllable limbs and b+mp, b+RH seems risky. But his jab of doom seems to be as good as ever. Anyone know anything about X-Dhalsim?
I’m not sure where X-'Sim would be tier-wise and how much his match-ups would change, but I can tell you A/V-'Sim is top right under V-Akuma.
X-'Sim can definitely still be competitive (because he’s still retarded strong in any ISM), but you’re better off using A or V-'Sim. X-'Sim lacks b. MP and db. LP/FP when he needs it, and he can’t teleport out of VCs.
Tempest and extra damage alone isn’t worth it if you ask me. Not being able to AC out of guard crush VCs isn’t good, and no yoga escape means you’re open to CC infinites. I’m not seeing what X-'Sim has that’s so great that you can’t do the same with A-'Sim. If you’re talking about anti-air, counter-hit b. MP into yoga strike is just as scary as being hit by tempest. X-'Sim would be a good choice against A-ISM characters, but not so much against V-ISM ones.
I’m aware that A-Dhalsim and V-Dhalsim is far more beasly. I’ve seen Mukai play who use V-Dhalsim. X-Dhalsim just seems fun as hell. Right now the comp in my area doesn’t use too many VCs, so I can get away with him. I definitely am thinking about giving A-Sim a whirl, since you informed me about the s.lp xx Strike or b+MP xx Strike. How good is A-Sim on pressure though, and how welll does he deal with VCs?
Slides are good for pressure no matter what ISM you’re on.
A-'Sim can teleport out of VCs, so he does fine against them for the most part. Some characters can alter their VCs to punish your teleports and actually do more damage than they normally would, so it’s not always a get out of jail free card, but it does mean they can’t infinite you.
If you’re really set on using X-'Sim, go ahead. It’s not like he drops to mid-tier all of a sudden or anything. You just have to be very careful about not getting VCed.
Against V-Akuma, V-Cody, V-Ryu and V-Sodom, I would seriously consider going A/V-'Sim 'cause otherwise they’ve got no reason not to just activate empty and push you into the corner so they can infinite.