www.JasensCustoms.com - Panzer Fight Sticks, ADCAP SuperGuns, EZ MODs, and more!

AWESOME, sir. Thank you very much. Now I’m back on track. Pin #3 it is!
I appreciate you taking the time. :smiley:

@“Jasen Hicks” or anyone, where can I get a proper sized printout for my Hori VLX Hitbox graphic template? I know it has to be the “sticky” type of graphic right? that peels on? What resource can I go to to get this done? I already have the graphic on the template and ready to go… please let me know. Thanks.

Check your local sign shop or car decal shop. They can print them pretty easily since thats the same way I do it. Be prepared to pay actual market price though, not the cheap prices common to the FGC. These guys are real pros with real high end equipment ($20K printers vs. my $8K printer).

What size should I tell them I need? I saved it as a Photoshop PDF file. Like with TE2 I just go into Kinko’s and say “print this, actual size on 11x17 paper”. What size should I say on the Hori?

Same. The PSD is full sized.

Is there a way to mod a PFS 2.0 to fit a Hori Hayabusa Optical?

No, unless you chop off one of the mounting posts for the EZ BUILD part of the button board. I do not recommend this.

Maybe you could squeeze in a JLF Flash1 or a @Toodles Spark CE in there instead.

Breaking Down the Stick - Episode 1 - Qanba USA Drone. Basic Mods: A; Advanced Mods: F. Watch the video below and learn more about the inner workings. Have suggestions for future episodes? Leave a comment!


Jasen, am I remembering correctly that the original Panzer cases take 6-32 screws? If so, what length would you recommend?

Correct. Anything 3/4" or longer is more than sufficient. Heck, 1/2" works in a pinch.

Thanks. Felt it was time to order some thumb screws both to spruce things up a bit.

Edit: I already have one of these and I know you carry the Neutrik gaskets but I’ve found this part to be a nice addition to the case: http://www.neutrik.com/en/accessories/sealing-accessories/scd-w

Here’s the latest addition to my Panzer Battalion.

Panzer Fight Stick 3.0 Blue case with Brook UFB, Sanwa OBSF-30s upgraded with some very tasty Paradise Arcade OBS-MX switches and Jasen’s own custom plungers. Plus a Butteroj blue tiger eye ball top for good measure.



Jasen, when is the Panzer Hitbox gonna release?

Hey @“Jasen Hicks” –

Just wanted to say that I’m a big fan of what you did with the TE2 EZMOD. Still a day 1 owner of it but I’m super happy with what I got.

I’d like your input (no pun intended) on my PCB though, because I’m not sure if the PCB is faulty or if the harnesses are failing. When I use the Madcatz harness from the Sanwa into the EZMOD, all the directions work except for right (so upright, right, downright are not registered). However, if I use a JLF 5-pin harness from my stick into the Brooks UFB, all the directional inputs are read correctly.

I’m assuming there are two points of failure: the stick to the EZMOD, and the EZMOD to the Brooks UFB. How would I start troubleshooting this? I’d like to streamline my cabling as much as possible.

Attached are pictures of my internals:



Pre-orders will start shortly, shipping mid-February. Need to get a bunch of cables made to support the HitBox variant since the EZ BUILD is slightly different for it.

First, see if you get continuity between using a multimeter between the pins on the EZ MOD and the Brook UFB screw terminals.

Second, see if you get continuity between the 20P connector on the Brook UFB and the screw terminals.

Third, see if you get continuity between the connector on the EZ MOD where the JLF plugs in and the 20P header on the EZ MOD.

This will test each point along the way. Heck, it could be the MCZ cable!

So with the Panzer, the Hitbox variety I want specifically, you need to install all the internals and buttons right? It’s just an outer case shell?

I believe there’s a system of systems board for the hitbox as well.


The thumb screws came in. Say hello to my Panzer, my toes and my crappy photography skills.

Kind of wish I could get some black screws for the Neutrik port without having to buy 100x as many as I need.

That is hella clean sir. Seeing your build makes me want to dust off my hitbox and try to learn this controller again.

If you’ve got a thumb screw surplus, lemme get some @“Nobus3r1 ver. 2.0” !!!