WTT: Supergun for CMVS

Don’t know how well this will go over here on SRK but I have the same offer also listed at neo-geo. Basically due to recently coming into contact with a Big Red I no longer need my Supergun and would like to trade it for a CMVS. Has composite and s-video with a Neobitz encoder. Looks amazing through s-video and on my Sony CRT Blazing Star has never looked better. Includes Happ power supply and can even throw in the MV-1C (US Bios) for a CMVS with Unibios and is pretty easy to transport. AES collecting just isn’t worth it anymore so now I’ve totally switched to MVS. Thanks for looking.

Pics to Supergun connected to 1C: https://plus.google.com/photos/105051660310219841342/albums/5700160873387133921

Sorry it’s a little dusty, had recently moved at the time.

Hey another Deadhead in the fight game community? Never thought Id see another. Im in the middle of building my first stick and the whole thing is being done with a GD theme. I dont have anything relevant to your post but I saw your avatar and had to pop in and say howdy. Good luck with the trade!

Decided to make it for sale also, starting at $350 shipped. This will include the Supergun, MV-1C, Power Supply, one kidney bean stick, and one PS->Neo converter.

Bump. Price drop for the whole bundle down to $315.

$300 good?