WTT: my DOA4 stick for your equal-quality PS2 stick

Like a Tekken 5 stick (or Soul Calibur stick) or something. Also, it needs to be a japanese stick, I hate american batstix.

I’m in WA and it’d be nice to have this trade done in person but I guess we can ship these out to wherever if need be x_x

My bank hates me so I won’t be accepting money/paypal. I won’t mind if you (plan to?) go out and buy a Tekken 5 stick to trade with me, though.

The DOA4 stick is in good quality. It isn’t banged up or anything, the only thing would be that the plastic Kokoro art sheet thing is starting to come off a bit in the upper-left corner. It’s thick so if you took rubber cement or something and pressed it back it’d be good as new.

If anyone doesn’t know, the DOA4 stick is USB so you’d be able to pawn off your PS2 -> USB converter if you’re done with your PS2 fighters (probably no one)
(but not to me, since I already have one, sorry ;p)

I have a tk5 stick, in great working condition, some fade in the artwork tho’.