WTT DS Lite + 20th Ann. Castlevania swag

I would like to trade for a custom stick PS2 (new or used offers welcome) Would like to add also. If someone has a nicer stick or can build one, but wants to trade for this even though it may not equal value. I will be willing to negotiate money with the trade if the stick warrants it.

Items up for trade: all together

DS Lite White (used)
Castlevania 20th Anniversary game holder(game not included)
Castlevania Touch Pen
2 extra touch pens
20th anniversary Castlevania music CD

Picture is of all items (hard to see on the left but the 20th anniversary came with a DS pouch which will be included also)


What kind of custom stick are you looking for?
And does it include the game?


And just as a favor to chippermonky…

Sorry, should have added a few more details.

The game unfortunately was stolen from work. (out of the DS mind you but they didn’t take the DS…)

As far as what kind of stick, buttons and joystick don’t really matter as I have replacement parts for those if needed. Would like a staggered button layout. Main concern there. Stick still in decent/shape if used.

I saw chippermonekys’ and the button layout isn’t what I’m looking for. Just really dislike/uncomfortable with straight button layouts. Sorry chippermonkey :cry:

Check your pms and get back to me then. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: