WTS/WTT Street Fighter Strat Guides!

So yeah, I have a few Street Fighter Strategy Guides that I never use just cluttering up my shelf so I thought I’d put them on here. They are all quite rare nowadays from what I’m reading:

  1. Street Fighter Alpha Anthology
  2. Capcom VS SNK 2 (Gamecube version, but still is good for all CvS2 versions)
  3. SOLDStreet Fighter Anniversary Edition (Hyper Street Fighter 2 and Street Fighter 3: Third Strike). Missing 3rd Strike soundtrack :sad:

Edit: Also have a PS2/PS1 to PS3 memory card converter that I will never ever use again. I’ll throw that shit in if you want it.

Pics: http://s293.photobucket.com/albums/mm70/Mr_x64/random/guides/

All of them are in fantastic condition. I’d trade them straight up for one of the following:

A Wiimote
Metroid Prime Trilogy Wii
Uncharted 2 PS3
Metal Gear Solid 4 collectors edition PS3
"Lost", “My Name Is Earl”, or “Prison Break” (not season 1) season sets on bluray

Or $20 paypal per guide.

Thanks for looking!

Just so you know, you have to put prices on your stuff since you’re trying to sell them.

i have the following game


for sale. let me know.

Done. Check PM.

How much for SFAE book?

$20 shipped? I’ll do this if my trade with meus doesn’t work out.

damn you meus ! :annoy: :lol:

:rofl: - Fir

Huh, meus isn’t answering his PMs. Deal back on!

Bump, pics added.

wat the :annoy:

Remember I got dibs on SF:AE book :wgrin:

no i have dibs lol:arazz:

I PM’ed you twice and you didn’t reply man. Are you still up for that wiimote trade?

your turn is over :arazz::lol:

AE book sold.