The item has been sold. I couldn’t find a way to delete the thread though. If any moderator reads this, it’s safe to delete it now. Thank you very much for allowing me to post here.
Ok, here’s the deal: When I was much, much younger I had this real infatuation with all things Street Fighter. I would gather up all the info I could find about the game, from the various magazines I, and friends, had and started putting together a sort of SF media retrospective. Virtually every magazine you can imagine, I’ve got stuff from it. The books cover SF2 in the arcade all the way to SF Alpha in the arcade(and everything in between). The arcade versions, the SNES, Genesis, 3DO, Turbo-Grafx, Saturn and Playstation versions are all covered. Both huge-ass books contain a combined 1,010 pages of SF info from various magazines. All pages have been put in mylar bags(sort of like what you’d keep comics in) to help preserve them. This would make a very nice gift for X-mas, for one lucky SF fan.
The price is set at $300, and though that may seem high, think about it for a minute: Over 1,000 pages from around 20 different magazines, covering 4 solid years of SF news and 6 SF games(SF2, SF2:CE, SF2T, SSF2, SSF2T, SFA). There are, at least, 5 full strategy guides for the various SF titles and pages and pages of SF codes and trick. Out of print media like EGM’s Sheng Long hoax, the original box for the first SF game on SNES, every review for the game and countless articles. I promise you that you will never find another compilation like this…ever. It comes out to less than $0.30 a page!
If you’re interested, shoot me a message either via the Shoryuken Forums service, or via email. Shipping will have to be worked out on a case-by-case look, as the books weigh quite a bit, and there are a few ways I can ship it.