WTS: Sega 32X System TESTED EUC Boxed Connections + Games ON EBAY (MKII Included)

Sega 32X System TESTED EUC Boxed Connections + 7 Games


Thanks for looking. I’ll also be posting some non-ebay’d games and hardware here over the next few days.

Nice collection you’re selling.
I notice the metal shielding plates aren’t included, I have an extra pair and am willing to sell mine to anyone who thinks they may need them.

Props for including the dongle.
I don’t notice the Genesis model 1 cross over cable. That’s so rare, I don’t even have one.
: (

32X MK2 was the best MK2 conversion of the era, featuring all the arcade exclusive combos that weren’t in the SNES version.


Cool man; thanks.

I actually did find one shielding plate. Thanks for reminding me what the hell this thing was. I’ll update the auction.


Oh man. Memories of hooking up 3 power adaptors to play Crypt Killer 32x/Sega CD version are flooding back to me. It was like building a computer.

:lol: Wasn’t it awesome?! (bump)