WTS: Rare Nintendo Candy Gummy Lollipops - Fundraiser (w/ pics!)

I am selling these nintendo lollipops, its actually for a friends fundraiser.


1 lollipop = $2.50
Set of 4 = $8.00
Complete box (3x each)= $20.00

prices include shipping.






I am very limited on supply so first come first serve, I can’t hold them for you. I have 2 full boxes, one box I am selling complete only, the other can be separated or sold as whole.

PM’d ya - I’ll take a set of 4.

I’ll take a box of 4 if you have any left.

i want a box :slight_smile:

i pm’ed u… ill take em

i didnt get a PM

Great seller and a decent marvel player.

sold, thank you to all.

bad marvel player now :-/

if you got more i want mario and yoshi =)

True, true.

I beat MegamanDS first to 10 for $500 in a hot dog eating contest.

they are on hold, still have not received payment. I will give until tonight.

back up i guess, no payment

let me get a mario and yoshi. i will paypal you later tonight.

nvm, all sold. sorry. Thanks to all!

bump, received 2 FRESH boxes today.

ok, got 2 full complete boxes left.
