WTS: PS360+ HRAP EX-SE $110, LS-32-02 & bubble top $15

Works fine. Firmware is updated to v1.66. Shipping from east coast US. The LS-32-02 has been used for maybe a dozen hours and comes with a blue bubble top, dust washer, circle restrictor and 5-pin connector. You can take the LS-32-02 for $10 with the stick.




Where are you located?


Ok… It doesn’t seem like communication is your strong suit. First you post up without a pic of what you are trying to sell/ trade then when I tried to get your location you reply with a gauge answer. Not worth it. Ill pass on this thanks and good luck.

I have done trades/sales on here before and I did not mean to come across as vague or rude. I am on the east coast. I mentioned in the OP that I can take pictures if needed; I’ll go take some pictures right now.

Price dropped.


damn seems kind of over the top response for such a basic miscommunication.

OT good luck with sale. Id be all over this if i wasnt already swimming in arcade sticks.