WTS PS3/360 TE unopened (90 each shipped) and PS2 Cobalt Flux dance pad (200 shipped)

Looking to see the 2 TE sticks I still have. Don’t have pics yet of the TE sticks but you know what an unopened TE stick looks like so yeah. I know some people PM’d me before but I wasn’t really ready to sell at that point yet. Don’t have much money right now as I’m looking for a job so definitely trying to sell now.

Looking to also sell probably the most high performance dance pad on the market without having to shell out 500 plus dollars. I bought it for 300 bucks off of the cobaltflux.com website and it still sells on amazon for like near 300. Selling it for 200 shipped works on PS2. I’ll put some pics up of it soon and will test it to make sure it works but this shit has never even begun to fault on me even after years of having it. I’ve really only put about 6 months worth of work into it so it should have a ton of life left. They’re guaranteed to not break down basically and if they do all the controls are in the control box which u can just replace for like 20 bucks.

Both products will only be sold throughout the US. Thanks.

PM for PS3 TE stick

If smiffy doesn’t take it, then I’m in for the PS3 TE stick. You’ll get a PM too.

DevilJin, your PM box is full. At any rate, let me know if smiffy falls through. Thanks

Id be down for the 360

if smiffy and james both fall through, which I doubt hehe, I’ll take the ps3 :slight_smile:

if the 360 falls, i would take the 360

I’ll buy the 360 stick if it doesn’t go through. I can pay for it anytime.

deviljin PM me if you still have the ps3 TE i might be able to take it off your hands

got paypal ready for ps3 fightstick if none of the users above have bought it.

I’m 3rd in line for the ps3 =0)

i need x360 TE pay now

DevilJin01, you can cancel it and give it to someone else. Found another stick, thanks.

interested in the cobalt flux. do you have pics?

nevermind just say this post is old as hell