WTS Modded and Stock EX2 and Happ Parts

Alright, here’s what I have available. All prices include shipping inside the US.

Happ Red Convex Comp Buttons x 8 $1.50 each
Happ Concave Player 1 Button $1.50

Happ/IL Comp Stick x 2 (Red and Green) SOLD

Stock Hori EX2 (Lightly used, works perfectly, good cosmetic condition) SOLD

Modded Hori EX2 (PS1 PCB, Replaced Artwork, Sanwa OBSF-30 Buttons, Sanwa Bat Top) SOLD

(Bat top not shown in photo)

-The red happ stick and all happ buttons have seen moderate use from my previous stick. All still function perfectly.
-The happ player 1 button is moderately used and the imprint is slightly worn, but still functions perfectly.
-The green happ stick is like-new and never been used in a stick
-The modded Hori is my first real mod job. The wiring is solid, but not pretty. Due to a goof in the wiring, the top buttons are mixed up (LB is start, Start is Select, etc), and due to a mistake in cutting the artwork, there is a white strip down the left side where the artwork ends. Also, it is missing a gate, so you’ll have to get a sanwa octo or square one separately (I gave it to a friend who’s stick I was fixing and I lost the original gate it came with)

If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks!

this is the xbox stick?

edit 360

How is the stock Hori EX2? Ex2 is only available in X360, so please detail if it is an EX2 type or the actual EX2 brand. Is it in good cosmetic shape?

Is it $25 for the entire stick, or simply for the parts? If the entire stick for 360 is 25, I’ll be glad to buy it.

pm sent for comp il sticks

The stock EX2 is a 360 stick. (I’ll have a photo of it up in about 10 or 15 minutes). The modded only has a PS1 PCB in it.

Ill def take the stock EX2…and ill even pay you to mod it if you can…PM me

On the comp il sticks the dust covers match the joystick color? Correct?

Yes they do

Sweet pm me on how to pay.