WTS: Dual-modded (360/PS1) Agetec w/ASCII Optical Stick & Seimitsu's (WTT for VSHG)

Selling a modded Agetec stick that I bought off here a while back

  • Dual-modded with 360/PS1 PCB’s
  • ASCII Optical Stick (Sanwa Flash clone)
    • modded with a square gate + comes with original octo-gate
    • has JLF spring on it
  • Seimitsu clear buttons w/ purple inserts
  • Guide button & microphone port

One problem: roundhouse doesn’t work sometimes on 360. Pretty sure it’s due to the messy wiring, I’ve opened up the stick and moved the PCB’s around a bit and hard kick will work again, but then after a bit it doesn’t work. Most likely an easy fix. PS1 works fine, I used it on some CvS2 a couple months back.

Other than that, the stick is really smooth and works well.

PRICE DROP: $160 shipped


You just got the Optical too. :sad:
Is it not your style?

Nah, I’ve actually had this stick for like a year but I didn’t really use it much.

It’s a lot better with the JLF spring imo.

Added better quality pictures.

Price dropped.

Will trade for VSHG.

Price drop