I accept paypal and ship FAST upon payment. Feel free to PM me any offers or questions.
#1- High-Quality custom Happ/IL stick wired for PS2. $60 shipped.
Its made with:
[]X-Arcade solo case
[]Pre-hacked PSOne PCB by Zombie Capt.
[]Proper 6-button layout
[]Happ/IL Competition stick(yellow) & convex buttons(4 White & 2 purple)
[]Yenox buttons for Start/Select w/classic Player-1 imprint on Start.
[]Yenox button plugs
[]Rock solid wiring & parts
[]Excellent PCB compatibility with converters for X-Box 360 & PS3 use.
[*]Great for use with games like MVC2, that lend themselves better to American style parts.
One Sanwa white balltop. $2.00 shipped
One Sanwa GT-Y Octogon Gate. $3.00 shipped
^ Both of these were barely used and are like new.
#3- Sewell brand, USB powered, Compact VGA-to-Tv converter. $18 shipped.
Product page & information found here:
Lets you connect ANY laptop or Pc to your Tv. Great for games & movies! In like-new condition, and includes all cables & packaging that originally came with the unit.