Wts: Custom Arcade stick case. Wood, metal panel. Japanese parts

I have for sale this case. Fits Sanwa and Seimitsu parts. JLF, LS-32, LS-56 with MS plate. 30mm for front, 24mm for back buttons. Has a metal neutrik mount so you can put a neutrik usb or rj-45. Dhalsim art is an adhesive polycarbonate print from gameongrafix.com. Padauk and Brazilian Cherry. This is for the CASE ONLY. No buttons, no Joystick nor PCB included.

(older pictures below)

When it had PCBs in it. Note that the case is empty.

Under the Art it is a metal panel. If you want it to look like this you will have to peel off the art and use Goo Gone to clean off the adhesive.

nice looking case glws

Tickle me interested. But I have a ton of questions about this case and I’m on my cell phone. I’ll post the questions when I get home to my computer.

Ok, here goes…

Dimensions of this case? Dimensions of the metal top panel?
Does this at least come with that head phone jack and does that get in the way at all while playing? I wouldn’t want to impale my wrist or anything.
Does the bottom have metal or rubber feet or anything?
What colors are the wood painted? I know it looks red and brown, but just to make sure please let me know.

I think that’s it.

It is
13 5/8 inches Wide
9 5/8 inches inches deep minus handle. about 10 5/8 with handle measured.
2 inches high minus rubber feet. 2 3/8 in. with rubber feet.
16 gauge steel Metal Panel is 12x8

Yes comes with head phone jack, doesn’t get in the way.

The bottom panel is 16 gauge steel as well. Yes has rubber feet. Here is a picture with the bottom panel attached.

The wood is not painted, those are the natural colors of the wood. It has been finished with Glossy Minwax Polyurathane Varnish.

felt like commentating on how awesome the case is, nice work

Can’t figure out he pm but I want to buy this case. If you either respond here or send me an email we could do this

Thta’s a good deal on a nice case. Good luck guys


Uh…Hi. u still make joystick boxes (just curious)??

Yep. but not at that price. I was just trying to get rid of this one.

Got any other fight sticks on sale?


Damn alright