WTB/WTT Korean Omni Stick (or similar)

Naturally now that TTT2 is a week away and I have the money, the Etokki site is all sold out. Figured I’d ask here and see if anyone has one (Korean Fanta/Crown stick) and would like to either sell it or trade for anything I have for sale on my thread. This might actually help me avoid $80 in shipping charges too.
This is what I would like (or similar)

This is my for sale thread in case anyone wants to trade. I have cash too, whatever works.

PM me offers.

if I wasnt using the 2 crown fanta sticks I have in upcoming projects I’d hit u up…I got to k sticks I’m working on, one both for TTT2.

I wish I knew more about modding an existing stick. I was going to just order a fanta and a replacement panel for either a TE-S or a Hori but it looks like Lighting Customs isn’t open anymore for orders? Site is up but I’m not able to order anything…

Blklightning is still doing them…but i think u have to email or pm him now

Just about to do that, thanks dude.

No problem bro.

PM sent.