WTB : Juri/Chun & Fuerte/Zangief Thumb preorder. lol

Trying to get the remaining preorders to complete set tio give as a gift for a friend by next friday. I will pay $10.00 for both sets. $5.00 if seperate. Please include shipping. On Ebay they run at the same price but shipping is more than half what its worth so that’s ludacris. ie not worth more than that.

If you’re not gonna use them, might as well get some money for them right? :tup:

P.S Has to be in mint condition and or/barely used/new.



i have the juri/chun one that i will sell to you, they are brand new.

PM sent.

Bump. Payment sent to Mr. Wizard. Awaiting package now.

El Fuerte/Zangief needed only now. Help a brother out. By wednesday if possible.

I have the El Fuerte/Zangief one
do u also want the box with the thumbs?

Please. Has to be new/near mint. :wink:

dam never mind then the elfuerty is perfect but the zangief one’s eye is slightly tearing

Any pics?