WTB: empty HRAP cases/converters

Still looking for empty HRAP cases.

Also interested in either of these PS2 to DC converters:



I have two surplus Agetec PCB’s I’m not using… They’re official Sega Dreamcast PCB’s and have VMU slots built into them. I left the original wiring on both of them and Quick Disconnects can be easily put on them and you can keep the existing wiring as long as you don’t have to stretch halfway across a room to get to the buttons…!

Likewise, the original joystick harness is there and can be linked to a JLF/Seimitsu wire harness through a terminal so you don’t have to solder.

As far as HRAP goes, I DID have an Tekken 5 shell (HRAP-style shell; identical to the HRAP 1 except for no turbo on the faceplate) for sale but nobody seemed to want it… Nobody made a serious offer; never heard back from a potential buyer.

So you’re looking for an HRAP case?

Yep. Also interested in either of these PS2 to DC converters:



I’m just looking for a quick/efficient way to get a couple of sticks happening for DC so I can play some Jojo’s.

I have an HRAP 1/T5 edition I might be willing to part out for a fair price. How much are you looking to spend just on the shell

Edit: the case is painted orange if it makes a difference

I don’t know…$30 shipped? What do you think it’s worth?

let me see how much shipping would be for something this size, i can get back to you $30 shipped sounds about right but if shipping is goofy i may have to up it a lil bit

Empty cases plz.

WTB SF Zero collection PS2, on the off chance that anyone has it before I overpay on ebay.

I think I still have a copy of SF Zero Generations for JP PS2 if you’re still looking. PM me a price and I’ll look around tonight to see if I still have it. If I still have it, it’s got the case (original, not re-release CapKore version) and instructions.

I literally just got this in the mail yesterday, sorry. Updating the thread.