Not looking to spend a crazy amount of money, so something like the HSS-0130 is out, but I’m just looking for any stick I could use with 2 players. I’d like it PS2 compatible out of the box if possible, but will consider others if you have them.
Have you already checked out ibeatu’s Sega Saturn HSS-0130 modded with two PlayStation 1 DualShock 1 PCBs? It’s a fantastic deal and it comes with a HUGE slew of converters which will make it work on any modern console you want.
Here’s a link to his thread:
I agree with Ikagi that its a good deal. Honestly, 2-PLAYER and BUDGET are not two words you’ll see together too much :] but good luck in your search.
I have a stock psx blaze twin stick sitting around if you’re interested, same one in this tutorial:
I can post pics when I get home.
Yeah, that’d be cool.
Just tested it with both Arcana Heart and Street Fighter Anthology. Didn’t have any problems. Still want pics?
Yeah, if it’s not much trouble.
Upper right corner has a little residue from a price tag.
bottom plate has some scratches, normal wear and tear.
top is a little dusty.
Doesn’t look too bad, how much?
thanks for the support chan
also just to let you know on that blaze twin i sold mine takes alot of modding to get it to all sanwa since the buttons are 28mm and to fit a sanwa or semitsu sticks you have to drill a circle hole in the bottom metal panel so it can move freely unless you get two short shafts like from a t5, or fs3 etc. because the stocks parts are not really good and pcbs on mine the 1p side just randomly died out, and if you have to keep that art its a plastic sheet use a exacto knife to take it out its on with double sided tape so when you drill the holes to mount whatever stick you pic it don’t show on top. but its a great project box
gl on whatever your choice is
Received the stick from fireatwill over the weekend, works great, now to wait for the parts to mod it! Thanks!
Is it ok if you PM me how much you paid for it? I’ld like to have one of these in fair condition sometime later this year.
^^^ Kasprfoto has one listed for sale right now if you’re looking for one. I’ve bought from him in the past, pleasure to do business with.