Would you turn x-factor off if you had the option?

I’m very curious as to how this game would play without x-factor. I’d try it just out of the hypothesis in my head that this game would in fact be a lot better without it. Although unless the standard game did not have x-factor, I don’t see much value in the feature.

fuck yes, xfactor is some stupid ass shit

gtfo with this “dont wanna be like smash” stuff, ask any top player what they think of xfactor and they will tell you its retarded and marvel would be 100000000x a better game without it



Play the game as is or go play something else.

I don’t like such retarded comeback mechanism, but I accept it as part of the game, even if I think the game would be more fun without it.

People actually think taking out X-Factor would make the game more balanced? Because the way I see it the only possible thing that could make Hsien Ko beat Wesker is X-Factor, without it the top tiers will become even more dominant.

Why waste X-Factor with Hsien-Ko when you can use it with your other 2 characters?

If we’re going this route, why playing Hsien Ko in the first place? Why not playing Wolverine / Random / Phoenix in vanilla?

I’m normally for accepting the game as it is, not begrudging it for not being what you wanted it to be. And I like the concept and applications of X-Factor in general. But after all this time, I just can’t view something that allows for simple ABC combos = dead character to be a net positive for the game, ever.

If I was calling the shots, I’d turn that shit off and never look back.

What’s the problem with one of the best characters dominating a poorly conceived character?

And you really think that having Xfactor in that matchup makes that big of a difference? It’s not like the top tier character you’re talking about is one of the most notorious abusers of XFactor or anything.

This type of mentality is the problem here. A bunch of games have 7-3, 8-2 matchups WITHOUT NO XFACTOR or Assists to make the matchup better, you guys are playing this game which has tons of ways of making a matchup better(aka, properly conceived teams) and are still like “but without X-Faxtor i can’t win boohoo”. I come from Blazblue, and I’ve seen BAD matchups, like 9-1, 8-2, 7-3. There’s no XFactor there. There’s no assist theres. People man the fuck up and grind it out with their character, or if that’s too hard, counterpick. But in this game, “uh capcom, i can’t beat insert character here plz nerf him”, despite having so many things to even out a bad matchup, like switching up your team order, counterpicking assists, etc.

When I see all the “no, this isn’t smash”, i just realize how much of a crutch X factor is to most people here. And the simple fact that their reasoning for saying no is “this isn’t smash” without realizing how a simple decision to ban items made melee one of the most competitive games makes me question what people here actually know.

Xfactor is retarded, and i’m pretty sure anyone halfway decent at the game would turn that shit off without a second thought. But it’s not going anywhere, so enjoy getting robbed by Dark Wesker, Dark Strider, Dark Vergil, Dark Phoenix and the rest of the Dark anchor crew.

Character preference, not just a bad decision like wasting all your meter having Phoenix as anchor.

Depends on what you call a better game. For what I gather, casual players and stream monsters hate seeing the same characters, and without X-factor, some of the low-tier cast become less competitive, so you’ll see more top tier, and less everybody else.

Wow, really? We’re going that way?

It may be just me but all the people I knew that had the need to call people who disagree with him bad at the game (won’t say scrubs so you would be like “herp derp I never said scrub”) are actually ass at the game.

There you go, challenge accepted.

Fuck no, X-Factor is sexually attractive.

Exactly, if you have Hsien Ko and it happens to be the only character left and you have x-factor, why would you not use it with her? Of course I’m not saying you should waste all your resources with her on point, but in some cases you may have to, and without X-Factor at least I think she can’t kill Wesker with one touch.

If I’m wrong about that I’m sorry, I never played the character (I’m not into Darkstalkers)

I’d like you to show your work.

a better game is the complete opposite of what stream monsters want to see

character diversity is NOT what makes a good game. who gives a fuck who people use as long as the action is exciting and what you’re looking at consists of more than: ambiguous teleport into a character, hit confirm, xfactor, win

the fact that the only way these characters are viable is a mechanic that you’re given at the start of a game that makes you kill an opposing character with a magic series combo, that’s facilitated by your speed arbirtarily increasing 150% is some dumb ass shit, and means that the characters are designed poorly.

nobody complains about watching high level mvc2, even though every single team that is any good consists of at least 1 of the gods. wanna know why that is? because its engaging and exciting, and the skill being displayed overshadows the fact that nobody is using marrow

Umm, okay? This is kinda childish, even more so when you’d rather avoid all the arguments to focus on the most irrelevant part, my opinion.

When MvC3 was being released I had the hope as did many other MvC2 vets that it would resemble that game. That hope was quickly vanquished as we all played it. Minus a few similarities in some move sets and a few characters that is all it will ever resemble. Lots of us just had to adapt and learn this new game. I could write a book at how the 2 games and players of both new and old to the marvel vs capcom series are immensely different. Such as how people that never played MvC2 and are decent at MvC3 think they are gods gift to this game and they are marvel masters which ultimately makes me sick to my stomach. But that’s another story…

What you and everyone else just needs to do which I already mentioned is to adapt. Would the game be different without X-Factor? Sure as hell it would but it’s something that Capcom implemented in the game and is a main feature. I’m not a fan of it but I’ve come to terms that it’s there and it’s going nowhere. Learn to use it and deal with it or honestly just play a different game or wait for a new fighter to come around as there are many on the horizon. It’s your choice but making a thread about removing it is going to do nothing except get people to mostly flame you.

Well, since this thread is whatever, I’ll put this out there: I think xfactor would be interesting if the only thing they changed was 1) removed the damage buff and 2) if used mid-combo it would reset damage and hitstun scaling.


Disclaimer: I haven’t played marvel since like the first month of Vanilla.