Would the MvC3 community be opposed to lowering the damage?

Interesting how you went from this to


So which of your contradicting arguments should I disregard? Are there mixups after a character kill that work on characters with aerial movement or do characters with aerial movements spit in the face of this mix up?

On the topic of my teams and your lollogic, I don’t really think I have anything to prove when some random guy arbitrarily decides that i’m the type of person who puts all their eggs in one basket and hopes for the best. You can analyze them for yourself, it’s not too hard.

Finally, what are you even trying to say?
I’ll just recap here.

DHC glitch teams don’t run or even dominate this game.
Long drawn out combos aren’t necessary to get kills and can backfire because of the meter/damage ratio as well as the chances of you fucking up the combo.

Oh my bad.

As far as the setup, I agree it wasn’t ideal, but I think Snake Dux made the right call and had the setup correct, but ended up not getting anything out of it.

Did you watch the match? In summary, Dante snaps Phoenix, walks to the edge of the screen and does Acid Rain, Phoenix comes in from the right side and air dashes upback. Dante teleports right when Phoenix airdashes up, avoiding the initial mixup. Acid rain comes down and Dante as near as I can tell dashes under, Phoenix gets hit by acid rain but Dante can’t convert the hit to a kill. With an airdash Phoenix effectively rendered the setup moot, the only reason she was tagged was the dash under.

What contradicting arguments? Best Friends Slash and the Drill Claw in the corner are two different things? Apples are red and vaguely spherical, an Orange is orange and entirely spherical.

Again, instead of insults, proof. I’m having a hard enough time taking you seriously as an opponent as it is.

And in closing, if the DHC glitch wasn’t dominating, why do we keep seeing it? You keep bringing up long combos, I keep asking you which ones when they’re all roughly the same length.

Quite frankly I’ve always thought the “Low” damage option should be the standard.

Also in the link you posted, she dashed back, the rain still fell on top of her. That’s the setup. The rain HITS WHEN IT FALLS. How do you call that escaping a setup when you’re forced to guess block left/right?

I’m assuming he means “escaped” as in, she didn’t get blown up from getting touched. But, like I said, that’s because it was set up poorly.

I run Phoenix and I can tell you that Dante’s Acid Rain setups are some of the hardest shit to deal with if she manages to get snapped in. Really, there’s not much you can do besides picking your response (fly away, blocking, teleporting, pressing a button) and crossing your fingers.

I voted no

Dudes, this game’s problem is not the damage, but the stupid dumb, mindless & abusable specials that have low risk, very high reward to them.

Its X-factor, homing salty balls that shuts down almost all of the cast’s options to get in, TELEPORTS, invincible berserker slash cross ups into dead character, derp gun-> teleport-> free combo, TELEPORTS, having a special move that is invincible & gives waaaaayyy too much frame advantage, ESTAK…I mean DISRUPTAH, TELEPORTS, and some other special moves that are not hypers. And teleports -_-;;

Sorry if I’m off topic.

Huh, are we looking at the same clip? Phoenix comes in and dashes up as Dante is shooting acid rain. It doesn’t look like he teleports at all.

If you listen you can hear the teleport. Its difficult given all the commentary but you can here the SHHH sound.

Even if the damage was set to low, it will do it equally across the board for all characters. The damage from each character would be relative because everyone’s would be lowered by the same amount. I think the characters who are “easy” to get in with and more hits in their combos, will be way more effected by damage/hit stun scaling, and therefore less meter gain, than say a character like Hulk who uses a lot less hits in his combos to get full damage, especially with the DHC glitch now gone in UMvC3. The fact that these bigger characters also tend to have a lot more health than the others would seem to give them a little more leniency, as a trade off for having a harder time getting in. Also, chip damage would be considerably less, allowing a few more chances for the characters who are “harder” to get in with to actually get in for their combos. Just my personal opinion.

:eek: Man, I made like a two page post in that other thread and it got locked while I was typing.

This is my sad face.

Keep damage the same… It makes the metagame more godlike…