Would the MvC3 community be opposed to lowering the damage?

  1. I am not underestimating anything. Yes you get more meter and more damage. BUT IT DOESN’t really matter when the guy in front of you can XF, kill you with basic shit he’s 100% sure he’s not gonna drop, put your next character into two or 3 50/50 mixups in a row, rip him open a new one and then proceed to laugh as he runs out your level 3 XF. If you have <950 health, just dhcing into the next character should be enough to kill, no XF.
  1. The DHC glitch doesn’t necessarily build that bar back. Characters who can build meter off their DHC glitch finisher, Task/Tron/Phoenix/Sentinel/Wesker.
    When most combos can kill off most of the competitive characters with a simple DHC, the DHC glitch is good but is not really necessary or even the fastest or meter efficient way to get ToDs.

  2. Oy now. Viscant isn’t winning because he has mad resets. He’s winning because his phoenix is beasting. Nerdjosh uses resets with She-Hulk when he doesn’t have enough meter to kill. They are his alternative, not his go to method of killing off a character. He’s not gonna intentionally drop a combo to try and reset you. Same for marlinpie.

Also I think you’re confusing what I would call Marvel’s okizeme and mixups for resets.


DHC glitch friendly team won a major(closest that would come to that is Combofiend, but he wasn’t even using the glitch)? Nope
High Execution, long combo ToD team won a Major? Nope
Reset heavy team winning a major? Nope.

Yeah so not winning = dominating. Makes sense.

What is currently dominating:

  1. From your teams listed in your signature, I see you’re the kind of player that puts all their eggs in one basket and hopes for the best. This is only effective if you’re playing against a similarly composed team. These are the kinds of teams that are enjoying their glory now but ultimately will be phased out. Likewise, you yourself can Xfactor, do basic shit you have no chance of dropping to kill the opponents point character. An even better situation is if they Xfactor in response to save said point character. Oh and as far as the mixup after a character kill, any character with some kind of air movement spits in the face of this mixup.

  2. Uh… What about Deadpool, X-23, Spencer, Dr. Doom, and She-hulk? All of which can end the DHC trick and get combos that build meter and kill a character? Thats not even counting the characters we don’t see often in tournaments. Likewise, if a simple DHC could kill off a character, the DHC glitch wouldn’t be as common as it is.

  3. No, Viscant is winning because he’s basically getting free damage before Phoenix comes in and assumes the role of Janitor con Flamethrower. And what’s the problem with resets being an alternative to using meter? I basically don’t use meter until I’m certain it leads to a character kill, but then again Maximum Wesker is basically a waste of meter.

I’m willing to cede a difference of opinion as far as okizeme/resets. Marvel has a distinct lack of anything even resembling a wake-up game, and given Marvel’s strong emphasis on mindgames I see resets in this game as being less about killing a character and more about not letting the other guy push buttons.


Inconsistency is the first sign of frustration. The difference between winning and placing highly is often the result of bad decisions or guessing wrong and less about the teams and characters used. Yes, the characters one uses will matter, but they also matter less in comparison to the mental aspect. I humored you by answering your initial questions, but if we’re going to talk about winning then I’m more than happy to start up yet another debate.

Uhh, that’s neither here nor there, i’m kinda curious where you’re getting this from.
Also, bold part makes me lol. Guess i’m done here.

Simple deduction.

Also how many times have we seen Phoenix get snapped in, and basically saying “lolnop” by airdashing away? Ground based mixups generally fail against anyone with an air dash or double jump, we’ve seen it enough times for it to be considered common knowledge.

So yeah, I guess you are done here.

If you allow Phoenix to airdash away from a snap in mix-up, then you aren’t doing it right or you’re using the wrong character.

I literally just watched Phoenix air dash out of a midscreen Acid Rain setup. Unless there’s some way to fuck that up that I’m unaware of, “lolnop” seems to be reality.

Your deduction skills are terribad.

For someone who seems to be watching all the streams, you seem to be forgetting what Justin did when he snapped that phoenix bitch over and over and killed her. Taking into account people who snap someone in and then don’t have a plan and hope for the best is just silly. Just because we have seen people failing cause they were unprepared doesn’t make it common knowledge that airdashers are exempt from welcome mix ups

zzz, there are so many blow up this shit.

  1. Meaty air normals to force them to land>mix up
  2. Assists that lock them in block stun/force them to land.
  3. Proper welcome setups(read, not doing acid rain from full screen)
  4. A combination of any of these.

Sorry but if she got out of the acid rain then some one fucked up big time.

I guess all those guys who get their phoenixes bodied when they get snapped in somehow don’t know that they can just JUMP OUT of the welcome setup lololol.

Seriously, do you even play this game?

Talk talk talk. In this internet age, why don’t you guys provide video clips and put this to rest. I just hate when debates like these go far enough without an attempt to show and tell.

“I seen this in a stream.”

“Oh yeah, well I seen this in a stream.”

Nerf Dante and Wesker and it’s gold. :smiley:

This discussion is ass. We should just run a god damn low damage tournament and see what happens.

I would suggest an online community tournament, but no spectator mode makes it kind of hard to manage. So, someone run it in your local scene and record the results.

The results will be Wolverine still does the most damage in XF1 and XF3 Phoenix and Wesker still bullshit killing you easily. The default damage setting is already the second lowest damage setting. Low damage is only a bit less damage than standard and there’s no level of damage under that. Don’t expect it to make anything less scrubby. Low damage setting will just rape characters that have it hard doing big damage harder also. Just play the game as is till Capcom does a legit patch.

There’s lowest, low, medium, high, highest. We’re currently on medium.

Lowest decreases damage by 25% and meter by a shit load. A combo that would build 3 bars in medium couldn’t build 2.
Low is by 10% so it’s kinda laughable, my tod’s don’t need any adjustment and meter build is still retarded.

XF1 wolvie isn’t killing anyone on the lowest damage setting, or is using up all his XF to do so.

Listen, man, you’re driving around Reruns’ point. Somebody should run this. For real. Talk is cheap. Theory fighter is boring. Somebody run this. You might be right. Or we might discover something unexpected. Or it might be nothing at all, matches just take longer.

I can’t believe actually testing something needs to be encouraged beyond talking about it. nails hand to table Takes the pain away.

Mmmm…well if that’s the case it’s something to consider since people generally know combos that are damaging enough to kill a low health character with absurd ease and higher health characters with a bit of work or less with DHC glitch or XF burn. As long as it doesn’t turn the game into a time out fest and creates more emphasis on resets it could work. That’s the biggest issue with the game right now. There’s no emphasis on learning real set ups and mixing up and putting people in creatively bad situations. It’s like playing a one hit death touch version of Marvel 2. In Marvel 2 there were infinites but the damage scaling meant you had to reset and mix up to win. If the scene or Capcom can find a way to get the game to work so that the game plays more into mix up and spacing than just “how many TOD’s do you know?” it would end up a better game competitively for sure.

We’ll see what happens if people make enough noise about it which will probably happen after Evo when people decide what exactly runs the game the most. Which is obviously whichever character has the stupidest hit boxes/mix up and gets the easiest access to TOD’s with said hit boxes/mix up. Which in general would still probably be better fixed by whatever Capcom is preparing to do with Super MVC3. Wolvie is still getting the best bang for his buck no matter how low you put the damage though.

Just doing napkin math, I reckon he’d be just about killing the 800k-ers and maybe X-23, but definitely not any of the meterless double kill shenanigans we’re seeing from Tokido now.

Hm. Link?

But as for testing this at locals/online? LOL. No results are going to matter unless it’s tested at the highest level, like at Guard Crush, WNF, or as a side-tourney at a majors. I don’t trust Random Wyoming Local Tourney to grant comprehensive metagame data for a change this big.

Besides the thread title, I don’t think would actually lobby for this to be default tourny standard.

I would say “weren’t you done here?” But we both knew that wasn’t going to happen. On the topic of my deduction skills, instead of an insult, prove me wrong. You haven’t yet and there’s a first time for everything.

Yeah, Justin also snapped in the bitch about 3 times a match before he got something to work, prior to which the bitch went “lolnop.” It wasn’t until he started using that drill claw setup that shit started working.

Oh and someone forgot about a nice little effect of pushblocking, you don’t drop down to the ground, regardless if you’re blocking an assist or the point character, until you come out of blockstun. Again, this is easily testable.

Part 3 somewhere around 1:20:00, Phoenix airdashes away, she gets tagged but had Filipino Champ blocked correctly she would have been safe. He still gets away, but it shows that had Fchamp blocked correctly it would have been a successful escape from the setup. I think Starbase and Fchamp satisfies the highest level requirement.

First thing: I meant the highest-level point for the damage reduction, not Phoenix.

Also, watching that battle, the first problem is that he was midscreen when he set it up. Ideally, you want to walk the previous character to the corner when you snap Phoenix in. It limits the options she can run in.

Also, on this:

So basically, he tried attacking from a different approach in order to trick his opponent into getting hit by something unexpected?

Isn’t that the perfect example of how a mixup works RIGHT?

uhhhh it’s not an unblockable? That’s what it always does. The part people were suspicious of was this:

Which we apparently agree she cannot.