Would appreciate some help!

I just picked up Asuka. I won’t lie, it’s mostly because of her swap costume. Regardless, I played Asuka when she was introduced into Tekken. I really enjoyed the character concept. It kinda felt like Dan, except not a joke.

I would appreciate any training sessions and casual matches. I have one combo down, and combos aren’t really that hard to come by it feels like. My main issue is going in. I have the worst time finding opening with Asuka. I don’t know if I should rely on the hp cross up or if I should stay grounded a majority of the time. Jumping can be hazardous, especially against a talented Juri.

I have a lot of issues doing her: lp > mp > lp > mk > c. mp > Double Lift Kicks. That combo is really hard to time for me. Again, I just picked up Asuka.

Being a Street Fighter user mainly, I was surprised how much I took to the Tekken characters. I stopped playing Tekken after 5, I bought 6 and never liked it. My BnB combo is the following:

j. hp (or mk) > mk > c. mp > Double Lift Kicks > j. hk > c. mp > Onikubigari - 368 Damage no meter.

I can also start with Whiplash to Toe Kick. Another combo I like is:

Dragon Wheel Kick > Demon Slayer > c. mp > Exorcisor > Mist Palm Thrust > Raging Storm.

To close I really like Asuka. It’s a huge change from my usual team of Raven and Ryu. Any help would be appreciated.

XBL: Axe Juggalo

The best combos for the following situations imo

Jumpin - j.hp > st.mp ~ st.lk xx hk upkicks > j.hk > st.hk xx oni > sweep

f+mp overhead - st.lp ~ st.mp ~ st.lk xx hk upkicks > j.hk > st.hk xx oni > sweep

Ex Upkicks reversal - f+lk ~ f+lp > st.hk xx oni > sweep

Launcher combo - f+lk ~ f+lp > st.hk xx oni > sweep

Tag cancel to your partner - (whatever) xx hk upkicks > j.hk > st.hk xx oni (tag cancel)

You can make a choice of doing extended chains to build meter in the combo or cut it short to get the damage.

Instead of doing st.hk xx ono > sweep for the combos, you could try do st.mk xx falling rain > sweep

I would put Asuka on 2nd, and have a character that is good at getting in or forces people to come in on point.

Fergus pretty much got you covered. And next time please don’t start a new thread. =]
If you’re west coast I can help u some with some matches online if you use xbox as I’m just picking up julia and testing her out with asuka.
GT: Kitori jp

I’m also an Asuka user too i have her second with Nina on point. Her biggest issue is obviously getting in and her shitty pokes. Here are some of the things i do to get in.

I use her mk, d+mp target combo, standing mk or mp as pokes with the intention of either hit confirming into a combo or if they block cancel into oni kick. Oni kick is key because it causes a lot of blockstun and its safe. If they block my first oni kick then i’ll follow up with either an overhead f+mp or f+hk. If they block that then i’ll low grab them since they have to stand to block. Or you can just standing lk,mp,lk into a combo since standing lk hits low. Or you can go into leg cutter which can lead into a big damage combo.

The other option is to dash cancel mp, mk or her mk d+mp target combo and keep applying pressure by throwing them or just go for your cross up jumping hp. Once you start dassh canceling your opponent may start mashing jab or try to reversal you can punish by delaying the oni kick or just back dash.

With Asuka you really just have to use all her tools to get your mixups going. Every once in while you throw at b+mp to d+mk for a hard kd which you can make safe by canceling into oni kick. F+mk to d+mk can be used the same way. The key is to know the max range for those because they are pretty slow attacks.

Actually with that combo you can add another s.lp > s.mp.

For me the combo I always do is j.HP > s.lp > s.mp > s.lp > s.mp > s.lk > s.mk > c.mp > Upkicks > whatever you want, j.HK into falling rain or f.lk > f.mp > cutter sweep > another upkick or EX falling rain.

Also to warn you, your wins will be much harder to get considering you used both Raven and Ryu who have it way too easy in comparison. Try using her as a second character and using either Ryu or Raven to get in and tagging into Asuka to do some good damage.

I would not recommend adding another st lp mp it scales the damage.

Actually I use it to stall for time if the timer is running down, sometimes I will purposely do a long winded combo like that strictly to get a timeout and win. Shady tactics but it works.