Worth the wait for KOF 2002/2003 on Xbox Live?

Eh… just wondering if you think it’s worth waiting for KOF 2002/2003 to come on Xbox Live in Jun/July 2005… What would you do?

its one of those games id probably try to buy on release day but im not going crazy over.

im buying devil may cry 3 though thats a good way to wait hell tekken 5 just last week is going to keep me entertained anyways.

What the fuck is up with the date shit? :confused:

Anyways maybe I should play SFAE first since that is supposed to be pretty good, but judging from CvS2 and GGXX#R and from what I heard about SvC don’t get your hopes up. I would like to be more optimistic but I can’t…if I was proven wrong tho’ I would be more than happy…

in terms of live performance? #r, simply unplayable trash. cvs2 was ok but sfac is hands down the best connection (much better than cvs2).

wasfemto, give sfac a shot. a lot of people have been surprised by it.

I have it for ps2 with the SF Anniversary collection pads(and now the T5 stick) which is another reason I’m holding off. I don’t know if I can play with the Xbox pad for theis game and I don’t like the layout for the Xbox SF pads…guess I should stop making excuses and start playing this :sweat:

I will soon enough tho’…

yea… the sfac server is way better than other games (the best as Xaronth said) on 3S there is like a 1/4 second lag… but on super turbo is perfect… hey WasFemto if u have problems with the controllers just buy a converter…

I didn’t think that fighting games used a server, do they? I thought they just connected your console to whoever you were fighting against.

A few hours ago(damn time flies fast :tdown: ) I was plaing with Dios X in DOA2U online and he said that the code in 3rd Strike was better than the other fighters. So I’ll take his word(not to discredit Xaronth). I was thinking about buying the SFAE arcade stick since I played it at Deul=Master and was pretty impressed with it(read about it to in the Hardware forums tho). Just need to sell a few things like dvds and my unopened copy of Halo2 and both the game and stick are mine.

im not sure but i think the sfae stick might have slight input lag compared to the pelican real arcade. i read it at the hardware forums so you probably might have seen it.

my gut instinct tells me to buy a pelican (make sure voice works if you really want to talk) and use that till you mod with happ parts.

you know how long i’ve been waiting for this kof 02/03 game???
it was supposed to be out in march of last year. i know cause i reserved it long asssss time ago. then they bumped it to march of this year. NOW they bump it up to june? or was it july? one of those.
i’m getting sick of the wait but i will still very likely buy it when it comes out.

hey if u wanna buy a stick buy the SFAC stick… is hellagood man…