Worldwide ST Players Interview [David Boudreau, Bob Painter, NKI, damdai, apoc]

Socal Regionals - Day 2 - Finals -Dogface show with Alex Valle, John Choi and Mike Watson, Socal Regionals - Day 2 - Finals -Dogface show with Alex Valle, …

Go to 53 minutes and 20 seconds and listen to Watson. Mike Watson is the man. I’ll try to see if he wants to give an interview (he is very high up on my my list of desired players to talk to). If you don’t know, and you should, Watson is a true OG SFII player from way back. He was around from the early CPSI days and remained in the scene long enough to be considered maybe the best U.S. ST player of all time and possibly even the best U.S. SFII player ever.

He tells it like it is, and puts people on blast. Wow he made that whole dogface show interesting by himself.

Thank you for posting that interview. I really enjoyed it! You’re dead on about Watson too. The man is a legend…and he still wants to “hang out” with me :wgrin:

I actually do the same thing, in the opposite direction. I do a fierce MGU, and Piano fierce to jab four times quickly. My fingers just piano easier that direction.

Damn muffinman I get no credit for telling you my secret… lol

Hey we’ll never be able to beat the japanese if you keep this “american” attitude :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes! I knew you’d post!

Tetsuo deserves 100% credit for that! He showed me on a side-by-side Japanese ST cab in Nashville!

How you been dude???

Lol I’ve been good I was just kidding about the credit. We’ve been focused on keeping ST alive in the EC. With the help of everyone on this forum we will hopefully drop Remix in the future. See if you can work with Papasi since I know you’re a diehard ST fan like us :slight_smile:

When you get a chance on Sunday Nov. 21 go on to watch our stream. Chris and I are working fevereshily to iron out the bugs with the JROK and we’re almost there. Once that’s done we will write a guide on how to hook up a JROK to record cab video.

I nominate Chris Doyle as a candidate for a future interview. He’s pretty o.g and has one of the best chuns in the US. If VF4 does the interview he might be able to do it in person since chris lives in nyc.

I just want to say it’s so nice to see the ST subforum alive and well again.

I have a request, howard :slight_smile:

Hopefully if everything is run as planned, we’ll have top-X of ST on NCR stream sunday morning.

Can you guys stop playing for a while and also tell the DSP-fans to switch channel and watch the ST final on NCR stream? <3

At what time will the be so I can make adjustments?

Choi is the boss and I won’t know until he tell me on Sat. I’ll definitely let everyone knows asap. But I imagine it’s either before or after HDR

10:00AM HDR
12:00PM SF4 3on3
2:00PM Break
2:30PM Tekken 6
4:30PM SSF4 5on5
5:30PM Break
6:00PM SF4 Singles

Now that the World Series is over, and I’m not a slave to the media, and I have some free time, I can actually do another one of these without having to pull an all-nighter. Anyone want to guess who I’m interviewing next?

spoiler alert
If you guessed Mike Watson then you were right. Expect an even more massive interview with Watson in the next coming weeks. After that I’ll try to knock out NKI, and possibly pester Zazza enough times to get him to agree to an interview.

Hmm it’ll be more shocking than cigarbob’s I’m sure XD

Just got done with NKI’s interview. Should be edited and up within a few days…hopefully. After that I’ll be doing a massive interview with Mike Watson that will stretch back to the very beginnings of competitive SFII all the way to today.

Sweet. Cannot wait.

Sup VF4… any progress on that NKI interview? Haha.

I’m going to do some followup questions for NKI before I post what I have. I’ve been swamped with baseball writing because this off-season has been quite intense. The Cliff Lee to the Phillies signing has put some major writing work on my table as well. NKI interview is coming eventually.

Cool, thanks for the update. Yeah its been a crazy offseason, lots of huge moves… Gonzalez, Werth, Crawford, Lee, definitely a busy time for a baseball writer.

translated the KUSUMONDO (linked from nh2 blog)