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VF4, you rocked, man!
Please create a new thread for each player once the interview is ready, so we can nominate it, discuss among ourselves, etc.
Dude you won’t have any free time to play on ggpo anymore. Look at the awesome list of players awaiting for your interview.
Lesson learned : Cigarbob > Tiger Woods
It took four entire hours but I had quite the nice chat with CigarBoB. That’s right, four hours. And we probably could have kept going. Give me a day or so to organize our conversation chronologically and then to piece together pictures and YouTube videos. I covered the entire history of CigarBoB with SFII starting with World Warrior, to him playing guys like DG&V and Mr.Wizard over XBAND on the SNES, to him playing AE over XBL, playing offline with Zazza when he moved from the UK, and then of course onto ST. Lots of top players are mentioned, Kuni, Zazza, AfroLegends, NKI, and many of the things he talked about regarding them will be brought up later when I interview those people. So we’ll get to see key events of the history of SFII in the U.S. from multiple perspectives.
Excellent stuff. Couldn’t think of a more knowledgeable or appropriate person (given his day job) to be the interviewer than VF4.
I am super hype for this!
Walking supers with Hawk involve buffing a jab or something…
They’re generally really easy when you get the hang of it.
Just do it under pressure in a match - that’s the challenge.
[I don’t wanna open a new thread to clutter the forum and since it is semi-related to the list of best players…]
Hey I come across this interesting tourney posted by nh2 the other day and it has kept me thinking if we held one like this in the US, what would be the outcome and which team has more monsters?
super nohoho fighter ii x: Nishinippori Versus Video 100510
Nishinippori Versus
This week the players were split up by age. 31 years and over on the 2P side.
Young Team
Izumi (OS), Nikaiten (BX), Buzan (DJ), Fujinuma (CH) Chika (EH), Tomoza (DI), Shin (TH), Keishin (CH), Azalea (GU), babynine (EH), Sasori (RY), Nuki (CH), Hiroyan (TH)
Adult Team
Shinomaru (RY), Mu (DH), Choshu (KE), Peco (OK), Numa (BX), KKY (BX), YURI (FE), Hanashi (FE), Hakase (DH), Kikai (GU), Nakamura (CA), Kurahashi (RY), Noguchi (CL)
So let’s say we split the team so that 30 years or older will be on the 2p side
Correct me if I’m wrong but here’s what I got:
young team:
Thelo, NKI, BTC, SnakeEyez, JRambo, Sabin, Ganelon, DSP, ProfessorJones, Afro Legend, Damdai, wolfe brothers
adult team:
DGV, Alex Valle, NH2, JCole, XSPR, Shirts, GigaMsx, Cigarbob, Kuroppi, John Choi, RoyBisel, Sirlin, Apoc
[ these don’t play currently: James Chen, Seth Killian, Mike Watson ]
I definitely belong to the adult group (although I’m not good enough), so my $ is on the old men’s team
what do you think? it looks like a pretty badass exhibition match, no?
I’m 31.
OK dude it seems like the japanese pick the magic number 31 for a reason
If I move you to the adult team then that would be lopsided.
And I’m going to add James Chen & Mike Watson to even things out. Seth Killian definitely wouldn’t play anymore.
So here’s the revised version (older than 31 to the 2p side). (Bye DGV, you’re too young
young team:
DGV, Thelo, NKI, BTC, SnakeEyez, JRambo, Sabin, Ganelon, DSP, ProfessorJones, Afro Legend, Damdai, wolfe brothers
adult team:
Alex Valle, NH2, JCole, XSPR, Shirts, GigaMsx, Cigarbob, Kuroppi, John Choi, RoyBisel, Sirlin, Apoc, James Chen, Mike Watson
My money is still on the old men’s team XDDDD
If it’s ST, then young team has 2 dead weights.
Would you guys not always mess up my evil plan?
If you keep bad mouthing, it makes my job much harder to convert them
Actually SN has very good SF2 senses. DGV played him on classic mode and said he’s pretty good. He infiltrated ggpo one day and all of us had a lot of fun with him.
He just need to lose the pad and practice execution on ST
Aqua snakes also drops by ggpo from time to time and his spacing / strategy learned from HDR applied directly to his ST fei well.
He’s just super rusty with CW now that it is no longer babyzoned XDDD
Who would those be??? That would be fun to try it out.
Hey Papasi, I’d be down for the interview it really is only Nohoho and I in the US.
Wow, Great list there. Can’t wait for these interviews to come out. I’ll definitely be watching out for them!
Too bad ST is dead in my community. There are basically 3 players here. and another 3 in a neighbouring city… that’s about it.
Anioah and Aniken are the same person by the way, ie the older of the Maekawa brothers. i heard he switched from boxer to ken because he found winning with rog too easy
You should also run an interview with my personal hero jason wilson aka dreamtr!
What about Mongolorobokop? He is a Chun-Li player I don’t see mentioned on here
Awesome idea.
Damn not even the doyle brothers are nominated, but the wolfe brothers were…tsk tsk.
Kurahashi has a sick Ryu too
Hey Papasi,
This can be performed consistently using the Jab version of the MGU and doing a piano from Jab to Fierce four times (quickly).