Worldwide ST/HDR Players Interview [Snake eyez, DGV, afro legends, japanese &more]

To reignite the interest of SF2/ST/HDR, I propose that we conduct some email / online interviews with top worldwide (including the Japanese) players.

If you have any suggestion, free feel to post in this thread or reply here.

David Boudreau (sim), Bob Painter (honda/gief), Cigarbob (), NKI (chun), damdai () , john rambo (sim), Kuni (gief), DGV (ryu), afro legends (boxer/dj), ganelon (claw), snake eyez (gief) have agreed to do the interview with us.

If you have any specific questions for these players, please post asap.

(disclaimer : not a ST vs HDR thread)

First interview is up!

cigarbob interview

2nd interview, this time we have DGV

3rd interview with XSPR from Japan

When’s Snake Eyes interview comin??

hmm… the list is really long. I’m just starting from the easiest to reach people (for me anyway) and those who have time (fast response time).

Next up is probably kuroppi (my list anyway, vf4 has his own list).

I already got snakeeyez’s email, so I’ll ask him if he has time next.

Probably it would be awesome if snakeeyez or kuroppi win the next wcw to generate more hype for their interviews =)

Good read. Now, SnakeEyez? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, please SnakeEyez!

ojos de vibora por favor


lol now that i look at that pict that muthafuker needs some

lol at people thinking Papasi is going to interview SnakeEyez.


as in lololol?


dear sherry,

please take some time and look into these products for a better quality of life.

Hahaha you’re so clever.

Yeah actually, you probably have a point.

So then now the HDR players are going to start it?

Interviews FTW!

You’re right, SnakeEyez would never engage in discussion with an ST playing peasant like him.

I think it’d be funny if the interview actually did turn out to be hyper partisan:

“How did it feel to personally help Sirlin choke the life out of the SF2 scene at EVO 2010?”


“Moving right along… on a scale between “baby zone” and “Terry Schiavo”, how hopelessly overpowered would you say Zangief is in HDR, compared to the rest of the cast?”

Uproariously funny! And it would prove to be one of the most hilarious/awkward interviews ever.