To reignite the interest of SF2/ST/HDR, I propose that we conduct some email / online interviews with top worldwide (including the Japanese) players.
If you have any suggestion, free feel to post in this thread or reply here.
David Boudreau (sim), Bob Painter (honda/gief), Cigarbob (), NKI (chun), damdai () , john rambo (sim), Kuni (gief), DGV (ryu), afro legends (boxer/dj), ganelon (claw), snake eyez (gief) have agreed to do the interview with us.
If you have any specific questions for these players, please post asap.
I think it’d be funny if the interview actually did turn out to be hyper partisan:
“How did it feel to personally help Sirlin choke the life out of the SF2 scene at EVO 2010?”
“Moving right along… on a scale between “baby zone” and “Terry Schiavo”, how hopelessly overpowered would you say Zangief is in HDR, compared to the rest of the cast?”