AM in next week
WITH STICK! hopefully
A couple heads didn’t show up but I have to say I’m liking this idea. I hope it catches on.
Well N.A.has been an incredible success and if enough European Players get on board I’d like to give you all the same treatment. If anyone has the ability to record matches let me know and we can make sure to get those matches posted on our league website and stuff but you guys are going to get your own section of the website, we’re going to add some chat functionality and with your help this WILL be a success. Tell Europe the WWL is here to stay!
Also, if anyone is curious, if there’s interest, we’ll have a SF4 Euro League as well on Wednesdays and Thursdays, spread the word to your SF4 playing friends
i just wanted to say ggs to everone i played last night
it was a great experience.
Next week i cannot participate but i’ll try to make it for the monday in 14 days…
cu on xbla
GGs to all EU players last night. Great skills and tough opponents, that was a hard night for me, GGs guys :tup:
@Silver Rain 007 : first of all, thanks for your dedication in making the WWL EU alive.
Nice website too, I’ll check if I can make decent recordings to upload.
One suggestion : is it possible to abandon the Excel/OOo result file to fill a result form directly on the website ? Dunno if it’s possible with MobileMe or not, but I think that it would be easier for players (no need of Excel/OOo) and you (fewer mails to check, results already filled, etc …).
XBOX LIVE is not down today, it was a very bad information!
It’s something we’ll look at, i mean we do have a form on the website for registration so maybe something like that will work.
Well that’s what I get for listening to the UK players, they must be afraid :lol:. Well I’ll tab the results and try to get the Tuesday Tourney announced quickly!
Here is the tournament bracket for tonight. Please start on time! I find its often helpful to form an XBL party with everyone to coordinate. The matches should go in numerical order, some will go at the same time. If you give yourself 10 minutes between each set of matches, the tournament shouldn’t take more than an hour and a half tops. Now when you’re filling out your bracket, all you have to do is put the number of games won by each player and it’ll move the names appropriately to their next match. Please make a note next to the player’s name which character they used as it will be helpful for record keeping! The top player is 1P and the bottom is 2P in each matchup. When you have lost twice you will be eliminated. Good luck everyone!
Tonight’s Tuesday Qualifiers
Wolfman X25
Ashman NW
Matches 1-4
Matches 5-8
Matches 9-10
Matches 11-12
Match 13
Match 14 (Best 3 of 5)
Match 15 (If Necessary Best 3 of 5)
again, no exel so I can’t make out who I have to play.
Opening Round Matchups
Woflman X25
Ashman NW
- dav 35
- Tschesae
- WolfmanX25
- AeroRockman
Does anyone have a copy of the full results and who played which character? If so PM me or e-mail it to me so I can record those results and get those on the website.
I send you the sheet - but it didn’t include space to write down the used characters.
btw: I got the feeling that I’m the only one reporting results. Could someone please join me?
Fulaani (Blanka) vs Dav 35 (Ken): 1-2
Tchesae (Dee Jay) vs Dav 35(Ken) : 2-0
WolfmanX(blanka) vs Dav 35(chun li,ken) :1-2
Final 1:
Dav 35 (ken) vs Tchesae (dee jay): 3-0
Final 2:
Dav 35 (ken) vs Tchesae (Dhalsim,dee jay): 3-0
Sheeet, too late to sign up.
I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the next one :tup:
oh shit man…i thought you wrote the tourney won’t be held on tuesday…
sorry for my noshow but i didn’t know this would be held. i nowhere saw the results and didn’t even know i made it in the top 3
well whatever better luck next time
cu around
EXTREMELY laggy matches though.
These are my results, although I did mail them to you.
Wolfman (2x Blanka, Dhalsim) vs Tchesae (Dee Jay): 1-2
Wolfman (Honda, 2x blanka) vs AeroRockman (Dee Jay) : 2-1
Wolfman (Blanka) vs Fulaani (Blanka) :2-0
Wolfman (Blanka) vs Dav35 (Chun Li, Ken x2) :1-2
Yeah, what a pity! (I had mentionned it in the mail i had sent…)
That’s weird! Between France and Holland, it should work correctly…
Europe Pool Play for 5 October 2009. This one really counts everyone so be there at 8:00 GMT and get ready for fun!
Euro Pool A
AeroRockman Vs. Fulaani
Dav35 Vs. Critical Combos
Kubz Da Kockney Vs. Tschesae
o Chromium o Vs. Phillai
Critical Combos Vs. AeroRockman
Fulaani Vs. Tschesae
Dav35 Vs. Phillai
Kubz Da Kockney Vs. o Chromium o
AeroRockman Vs. Tschesae
Critical Combos Vs. Phillai
Fulaani Vs. o Chromium o
Dav35 Vs. Kubz Da Kockney
Phillai Vs. AeroRockman
Tschesae Vs. o Chromium o
Critical Combos Vs. Kubz Da Kockney
Fulaani Vs. Dav35
AeroRockman Vs. o Chromium o
Phillai Vs. Kubz Da Kockney
Tschesae Vs. Dav35
Critical Combos Vs. Fulaani
Kubz Da Kockney Vs. AeroRockman
o Chromium o Vs. Dav35
Phillai Vs. Fulaani
Tschesae Vs. Critical Combos
AeroRockman Vs. Dav35
Kubz Da Kockney Vs. Fulaani
o Chromium o Vs. Critical Combos
Phillai Vs. Tschesae
Euro Pool B
Ashman NW Vs. Break
Diceman078 Vs. TastyC
MackDaddi Vs. WolfmanX25
Orf33 Vs. Planet RV
TastyC Vs. Ashman NW
Break Vs. WolfmanX25
Diceman078 Vs. Planet RV
MackDaddi Vs. Orf33
Ashman NW Vs. WolfmanX25
TastyC Vs. Planet RV
Break Vs. Orf33
Diceman078 Vs. MackDaddi
Planet RV Vs. Ashman NW
WolfmanX25 Vs. Orf33
TastyC Vs. MackDaddi
Break Vs. Diceman078
Ashman NW Vs. Orf33
Planet RV Vs. MackDaddi
WolfmanX25 Vs. Diceman078
TastyC Vs. Break
MackDaddi Vs. Ashman NW
Orf33 Vs. Diceman078
Planet RV Vs. Break
WolfmanX25 Vs. TastyC
Ashman NW Vs. Diceman078
MackDaddi Vs. Break
Orf33 Vs. TastyC
Planet RV Vs. WolfmanX25
Euro Pool C
Bosanova X Vs. Break
Herbalholic Vs. Mystic Ryu
Mr Irrepresible Vs. ZingZingZoom
Origins Unknown Vs. Quaristice
Mystic Ryu Vs. Bosanova X
Break Vs. ZingZingZoom
Herbalholic Vs. Quaristice
Mr Irrepresible Vs. Origins Unknown
Bosanova X Vs. ZingZingZoom
Mystic Ryu Vs. Quaristice
Break Vs. Origins Unknown
Herbalholic Vs. Mr Irrepresible
Quaristice Vs. Bosanova X
ZingZingZoom Vs. Origins Unknown
Mystic Ryu Vs. Mr Irrepresible
Break Vs. Herbalholic
Bosanova X Vs. Origins Unknown
Quaristice Vs. Mr Irrepresible
ZingZingZoom Vs. Herbalholic
Mystic Ryu Vs. Break
Mr Irrepresible Vs. Bosanova X
Origins Unknown Vs. Herbalholic
Quaristice Vs. Break
ZingZingZoom Vs. Mystic Ryu
Bosanova X Vs. Herbalholic
Mr Irrepresible Vs. Break
Origins Unknown Vs. Mystic Ryu
Quaristice Vs. ZingZingZoom
Oh I missed the signup?
I kinda suck with all this, where should I have signed up. I want to be a part of it.