never had those spanish limes, but i need to find them with the QUICKNESS. They’ll probably be called something silly up here in Canada though, seeing as the rest of you heathen’s call it 50 different things.
My Secret Santa is getting bags of chocolate milk, if they’re american.
Pedo has to drink that lovely PETA milk, sure you all saw the videos of how US diary farmers hate cows and use cheap milking machines that suck even he blood and guts from dem coos. Also they need to wade around and eat their own poo poo that gets in the milk, yum!
Love these crackpots, they really do wanna ruin everything, once they catch wind of the cocoa shortage they will start bitching about how farming for chocolate endangers the monkies or some bullshit.
My autistic little brother used to say the same thing. He didn’t like chocolate because it was brown and reminded him of poo. 20 years later he grew out of that.
but fuck man Skittles ain’t the most shining example of great candies. If you liked stuff like Nerds, Werther’s caramels w.e… I can understand Sour patches to an extent but Skittles over good chocolate?
Spanish limes go by lots of different names. Depends in which country.
all I know is, they are the most delicious things I’ve ever had made by Mother Nature.
I cant even describe the taste. they don’t taste acidic or bitter or sour. sweet but not sickening sick. sorta like confectioner’s sugar. like a dull sweetness.
only thing is that the seed is about the same size as your esophagus and the yellow orange pulp is very very slippery. people have died sucking on them because its pulp around the seed is very slippery.
they need to genetically alter them to make them seedless, like grapes. Then they’ll be perfection incarnate.
Spanish limes makes every other fruit taste like shit schwag.
Spanish limes S tier
every other fruit is B at best after you have one.
and you gotta wait till next August Sovi3t…its not the correct time of year for their picking. if you try to import them now they’ll most likely get non ripe limes and they’ll be bitter or sour in taste.
There are billions of pounds of unsold chocolate sitting around the world.
What they mean to say is that production of chocolate is reaching a peak. I hate the media. I hate sensationalist news. All this does is cause people to go out and binge on chocolate bringing in more chocolate sales, as its one of the many industries that are monopolized. lol.