Working on my Gouken

so i have recently started playing Gouken in SF4. i have practiced with him and learned some of his basics but when i play online i am finding no success at all. Is the any advice or tips for playing this character in a most-effective manner?


Check the gouken thread in the SF4 section. There is a thread for online training partners too. A lot of the good gouken players are there and more than willing to help out someone new. If your’e on XBL hit me up, I’m at least an average or above gouken player.

Alright another gouken player. Unfortunetly, as you are probably finding out, gouken has a lot of shortcomings. So, as a beginner, it comes as no surprise to me that you are finding no success. if you are able to stick with him and learn his ins and outs, you should be able to become quite effective with him. Go into the gouken forums and read up there. Take time to learn his best pokes, blockstrings, and BnB combos before you decide to venture into the more complex threads like: vortex, safe Demonflip guide, and ex palm no fadc, dash ultra. Those are all good threads to learn the advanced stuff, but if you have no foundation to build on, like his basics, that stuff isnt going to get you anywhere.

Personally, I believe Gouken is very strong. I’d go so far as to say he’s the second best console character after Seth. Basically, the way to get good is through a lot of practice. Work on your fireball/parry zoning and your basic pokes like xx hado. At this point, you should just be trying to get very familiar with your character.

I’m mad that I saw this as I just signed back online yflow. I’m about to actually practice some stuff in a few minutes seeing as I don’t have class or work today. I need to beat that solid Ryu of yours on a consistent basis & get my muscle memory adjusted to some minor things.

Ha, thanks, but right now my Ryu shames me. Need more stick practice!