Woman gets jail time for trolling herself

clicks spoiler pre-warning

OH IT’S THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH (got my dumb ass)


Take your triggering somewhere else.

The bitch in the article is an attention seeking land whale who indeed did troll herself deliberately.

Isn’t the word nigga used to confirm bro? But Nigger is used as slang for a black salve (aka back in the old days)? Because I’m PRETTYYYY sure that what each term means. So calling a black dude a nigga I believe signifies you’re a bro does it not?

But anyway…thank god I didn’t look at the pic though. Hatred Edge saved me some unpleasant nightmares.

How do you know it was bad if you haven’t looked at it? :relaxed: :open_mouth: :confounded:

Shut the fuck up, DRWigga.

Touche. Of course the old saying “Don’t knock it till you try it.” Yeah…I’m not knocking on this one. Then again it can’t be as bad as some other things. But I’ll pass for now. The posts are enough for me.

In this thread: shitty posters from the sf4 subforum, european cuckolds and political correctness. This thread also features triggering, fat women, and niggas.

On top of that somebody decrying the behavior of this site while ignoring that it is stated in the article that the police arrested and fined two people without proper investigation. Interestingly enough he made his post right after mine and has, at no point address the fact that i was on topic.

Its interesting that he falls prey to the same stupity he ascribes to srk. By posting in GD he is just another, shall we say, dumb ass srk nigga. This place is full of irony.

Typing this on my laptop cause my phone is sitting in a bag of rice after getting puked all over.

Holy shit that picture…

It involved a woman. Who needs logic when you can just listen and believe.

No wonder

Nobody cares Nigga.

Who the fuck are you that we should give a single fuck about you being tired of of us sayin nigga?

Ass Crimson alt confirmed.

That only makes sense if the woman in question is at least a 5, minimum a 4, not that kind of hippopotamus

I never really agree with crotchpuncha on anything, but I’ll agree this one time that DRW should just shut the fuck up.

FGC thirstiness confirmed. go after anything, Even when you have no chance of meeting this fair maiden even at your local Renaissance faires. Trying to be a male prison spouse fiend’ing over locked up Monsters over here.

kid in here willing to fight for her not ‘being a troll-brought it on herself’ honor, because he uses terms of endearment for these Balloon but still Beautiful to him, Women. Don’t call her that, you’re all stupid!!!

Sovi3t vs Internet white Knight
who looks like that fat nigga butt naked at the computer, internet legend.jpeg

I’ll have you know Sovi3t foughts him some Justin Wonggg as little as a year and a half ago. Honor rules from your home games don’t apply here. You better have more than that scrub shit, only you do. Limiting moves for being “insulting” and “not how they were designed & meant to be used,” from how limited your knowledge is-you can’t use that move bcuz I said so, it can only have one meaning & use ever, despite being a different move-word entirely.


Yeah thought this shit still works, how did he…

Circumventing the language filter in place on this website in order to use banned words hate speech to talk to other members like that. Reported.

That tech tho

I literally can’t tell if you congratulated me, or hit me with a sick burn.

Fought Wong a few times. My copy of SF4 is signed by him lol.
I wanna play him in KI.
Zero point in me even playing him in Marvel.

I’d probably body him in Mace: The Dark Age or Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. though :stuck_out_tongue:

wait, what’s this thread about again? Aside from DRW getting stomped into the ground by a group of his/her/herm superiours?

DRW that kind of nigga that gives the rest of us EU folks a bad rep around here.