WMD-J Presents: Why Me Do-n't Stop Believing - A monthly tournament series for North Bay


Calling all North Bay fighters and anyone who wants to come mess with the North Bay. I’m planning on hosting a monthly series here at Why Me Do-jo for AE2012 and Marvel players. Players of other games like SFxT, KoF, P4A, MK, etc please hit up VDon or Joshy D for info on potentially hosting your game.

Who: You

What: AE2012 and UMVC3 tournament (Other games maybe)

AE2012 - Double elimination 2/3 matches 3/5 grand finals
Marvel - Double elimination 3/5 matches and grand finals
All games played on XBox 360

Anyone who wants to host a tourney for other games please contact Jay Nguyen or Josh Drake so we can work out details!

When: Monday February 18th. Registration begins at 7 and cuts off at 7:45

Where: 133D Copeland St, Petaluma CA 94952

Entry Fee: $1 Venue fee and $4 per game. $4 to the pot and $1 to Why Me Do-jo’s coffee fund. Split will be 70/20/10.

I (VDon) will be hosting this event monthly with Joshy D! This event is targeting all the fighters in the North Bay in order to keep us competitive, hungry and holding our own against NorCal’s best although anyone who wants to come mess with us is invited :slight_smile: Hoping for 8 players per game minimum and we will be accommodating casual play as well as dedicated tournament setups. Please come out to the event and support team North Bay and keep us leveling up! Also big thanks to Joshy D and the Why Me Do-jo for their continued support of the community and giving us the best and most affordable venue in North Bay!

The event will be streamed by Harrison of iPlayWinner @ http://twitch.tv/iplaywinner